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Oh, I like this game!

First off, it has the words "Space" and "Journey" in the title. Always wanted to be a cosmonaut or a colnist in some far-off galaxy.

Then there's all the upgrading. I have no idea why, but fixing sparky bits and upgrading stuff in the Engineering console really butters my scones.

Finally, T'Ris. I can't say that name without growling.

Funny thing, she vaguely reminds me of someone...never mind.

I like every aspect of this game, and all the minigame bits I keep finding (crates in the Engineering section, the space battles - which are surprisingly well-worked, given that it's Renpy rather than, ooh, say, Unreal 5- the daily orders)

Best advice, DON'T RUSH! There's a lot going on, so it pays to make sure you have things sorted in your head. There are a few nice puzzles, hard but not ridiculous, which are very pleasing to solve.

Anyway, I need to debrief my First Officer. Again.

I am glad you enjoyed the game so far.
I tried to make a game with some undercurrents of sex and not vice versa.

Som e critcize there is too much "game" in the game but for those there is a great game called which has lots of sex scenes and no grinding ;)

I had a think about this.

The fact that there is so much else to do makes the sex more relevant. You are, after all, invested emotionally with your crew, because of the time you spend with them... in the real world. There is another game, almost too difficult to get one's head around, called Masters of Raana. The creator has a similar approach - and you really have to pay attention, think before clicking, before you get to the goodies. Then you have to work even harder to manage all the components to keep the goodies coming!. 

I'm older than many gamers (64, thanks for asking!) and grew up reading hard books, playing chess and tabletop wargaming. I find too many games refuse to let us access our frontal lobes!

I am in the part where the Infiltrator Bot is to install a virus in Kranor Labs. I got the infiltrator shell addad it to my highest rated bot (IQ 246!), then put it into active lab storage. When night has passed, it has escaped, even after many attempts.

(1 edit)

The mission night it doesn't escape, so you might be missing some condition. The hint of the quest describes exactly all conditions. (argus unit at 100%, right location?, infiltrator in lab storage cell not cargo stasis, ... ...)

Thanks! I found my problem: I had no cloaking modules attached to the shield. Having corrected this, everything went smoothly.

Where did you get the cloaking modules? I can't find them

Go to the pirate base, enter the middle ship in the lot. You will talk to the Krell guy (frog face). He owns a shop that you can buy a cloak for 480k or something

I'm having difficulty with the discipline part, can anyone help me with the combos?

there is an attachment in the walkthrough with the combos. you dont need all just reach level iii for max sub effect

Weres i can find ? Kahela arousal cant go to level iii

Hey, what is the Argus Unit and how to I get it to 50%?

It is sold by Shady once you have received the quest to get it.

Install it via the cargo bay terminal

Upgrade it via the engine room terminal by adding subunits

Thank you : )

I'm real sorry to be a pain but is the Argus quest the blocked maintenance door quest or is it a different quest I haven't got yet?

(1 edit)

The maintenance door quest is the one for finding vee again.

It has a few conditions (one of the the argus). best to consult the walkthrough on that.

Oh, and Argus is the device configured in the "Upolink" section of the engine config

Thanks again, sorry for being  a pain, haha

Hello, first off great game. Where is the bot arcade?

You can send to or retrieve a bot from the arcade in the lab manager terminal (the one next to the forcefield) -> tab bot manager -> send to arcade

Highly intelligent bots (IQ 140+) are illegal and you must be at the pirate station or in arellarti to arcade em.

Thanks! How do I get the buttplug disciplines done? The combinations suggested don't work because of stress

That comes in v 1.20. assets are just preparation.

Ok thanks!

Your attention to detail is amazing! A wonderful perfectionist.

Moving on, if you want to flesh out an area later, I found the patrol woman near Shady in the bar hot. We get favor with her turning in slaves once, and I wish there was some way to get any further with her. Perhaps more turning in of slaves, more persistent buying of drinks, as some ideas. A gradual seduction of the official. Something more than a BJ in the backroom. Perhaps have her reward the MC with sex in the alley outside? That's got an enticing erotic corruption angle: the upstanding public official giving sexual reward favors out in the alley. Repeatable when the MC turns over more recovered slaves?

I know your plate is full. Just tossing an idea out there. Cheers mate!

(2 edits)

I'm glad you like the game!
You know you can have sex with Audra already? (you can give her a "tour" of the ship as soon as she greets you with "Freedom Champion"..., 20 slaves or so, multiples freed at once count multiple too)

Some more content with Audra is definitely planned too... ;)

how does one go about collecting every shell? also just finished current version great gam


farm the shells in the Arellarti Asteroid Belt passage from Krell Pirates.
There are (farmable) C, K, L, V, N
Quest related: J, I

How does the sex with T'ris work ive got her at 0 stress 149 FP and ive met her in the mess hall but nothing happens and when i ask her to do the deed she says no am i missing something

Is a bit long to explain. There is a walkthrough linked in ty main post which explains it. And you only need 5FP for it

essentially you have to do 2 bjs, then ask nimhe for help to autotrain tris

yea i did that stuff but it still aint working unless do i have to ask nimhe to train her more than once?


I found it on the guide it was the drink that i was missing

how do the J Type bots work i cant seem to find them anywhere or do any upgrades even though ive unlocked them

nvm figured it ou


Not a fan of this versioning convention... Because for majority of people "1.0" is the first full release of the game (meaning completable from the beginning till the end..) Current 1.0, though is not the whole game, because I see that that there is at least 2 more updates ahead.. Also confusing that the zip file does start with 0.. which would indicate that this is 0.10, not 1.0...

Well, I ran out of numbers and as I communicated 0.90 before, I didn't want to go to 0.100 which would have been the correct thing to do.
Anyaway, now I am at 1.10.x etc. with 1.10 being the release and .x the subversions (beta, early access, ...)
Will probably count up to 1.80 until the game is done.

hi, is only my problem? i cant play with my 0.90 save in the 1.00, its in load game section but if i click it nothing happend (my english is shit srry)

The game versions for technical reasons are _NOT_ save game compatible.
What to do:

1. New Game
2. Select Continue point (last for new stuff only)
3. Fly to Rift and get Your gear from Multiverse Pod (if you need it)

Very promising... But there are many times when a door is closed (e.g. during the handcuff sessions) where I'd appreciate to stalk whatever is going on using the cameras

Hi, firstly amazing game. 

Just one question/request. I'm using Itch PC client to manage the download of the new versions. Is it possible to rename the exe in future versions to include version name, since the client doesn't delete old version and with both of them being with the same name it's hard to know which one to use. You can see how it shows up below. Until version 1.00, the newest was on the bottom, now it's on top. I understand this is a client problem and not one of your making, so you can ignore me I won't hold it against you.

Again thanks for the great game. 

(1 edit)

glad you like the game.

The version is in the game zip file name.

The unpacked exe and other stuff must be installed in a fresh folder each version, so not sure what the exe versioning would do. 

It's auto packaged by renpy so my influence on file naming inside the package is limited unfortunately. I can check whether the packaging script can add a tag to the file name in future.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply. 

The itch PC client lists all exes found in the game folder. I changed the name of the exe manually and it now shows like this:

Since you don't have much control about it, it's okey.

Thanks again.

EDIT: If I change it manually it no longer wants to start. Changing it back made it work.

Just open the folder location, and delete the old versions :)

I would, but with every new version starting with a new save I keep the old versions around, in case I need to make a new multiverse pod. But thank you, your post reminded me I can change the exe name manually too. 

anyone know where you are able to hang the space wars poster? ive tried everywhere on the ship i can think of

The engine room (terminal).For additional reactions, click on the hanging poster when Khelara is in the room...

thnks alot for that :D

Hi what is the best way to get ai cores ? I'm at the point where I should be able to have at least 3 ai cores for traveling to the points that are at 100 engine capacity but I have managed to get only 2 to the point , also need 1 for another quest .

If you can get to the Pirates station, you can take on Bounties to kill lvl 3 (maybe lvl 2) enemies. 

Please help, I don't know how to interact with the dancer on t'ris blowjob. I was at the bar at 14:00 then don't know what to do

(1 edit)

Give the dancer at 20:00 one time more than 10000 Cr.
Next morning tris will talk to you regarding blowing so much money on stripper

Thank you you are awesom

just so I know for future, when updating to a newer version how do you transfer save files?

(Im on a Mac)

There is no save game compatibility for technical reasons. But you can transfer your best items and bots to new versions.

In the walkthrough in op there is a chapter on "Multiverse Pod" which describes the ingame quest you have to do for that

does that mean my in game progress with characters will be lost?

No, as you can use a starting point reflecting your approximate progress

awesome! Thanks

Congratulations on creating something that is still a decent, if simple space adventure & trading game even when we ignore the porn. It's not quite the X series, but it scratches the same itch. :) A few observations in no particular order:

I was surprised when the ship faced no consequences when the police boarded me while I was carrying illegal cargo in the Iltari System. I don’t think I had any cargo cloaking modules equipped. Is it a bug, or do they only check for weapons and the "illegal cargo" thing only prevents you from docking at the station?

IQ, by definition, can only go up to 200. I'm going to assume that any higher values are exaggeration for marketing purposes. :)

Are there any sources of candles other than Shady? I'm swimming in booze from captured liquor crates, but keeping T'Ris happy in Krell space requires stocking up in advance. Perhaps "comfort" or "wellness" crates that can drop candles along with other minor stuff (for example sex toys, "space lotion", Flyboy mags, holodeck cards, etc, but it doesn't have to be something usable, just sellable).

Any chance of using bots in other ways than the arcade and the occasional infiltrator mission? That "space marine" personality was terribly suggestive, for example - one can imagine bots "standing guard" inside the ship or being sent out to scout out dangerous locations. And just in case you haven't seen them, you can look up the fembots from Austin Powers, something like that would be hilarious.

Speaking of marines, more characters like Krogneath's guard, please. Or more of her. ;)

There's a bit of a dissonance in the way the game treats slavery. You fight Voron Slavers and get reputation points for freeing slaves, but you don't suffer any reputation damage if you buy or sell slaves, or if you are caught carrying them (see the first point above). At the very least, I think that being caught with slaves should make things with Lieutenant Audra complicated.


Glad you enjoyed the game so far.

Space patrol searches do detect illegal uncloaked cargo and confiscate it and fine you and you get a REP hit. As to Audra's response if you do illicit slave trading as long as your dealings are under the radar I think its consistent. That being said, there may be a bug somewhere (opened a CRQ).

The bot part I had to freeze a bit, as it was getting out of hand  and players wanting all kind of stuff added that would have the game go off a tangent. Use of military bots for some purpose is still planned (currently only infiltrator mission...)

More details if you need them for debugging cargo cloaking: I had removed all the cloaking modules to put them in the shield, the illegal cargo was a small number of slaves (<10) that I got from fighting slaver ships. I'm going to reload that save and see if it happens again.

Thanks for the info.
If you removed all cloak modules from the cargo then your cloak capacity (shown in header in red) went to 0. In that case a patrol inspection should have led to confiscating the cargo and fining you.
I'll check.

I tried to replicate it - I made sure that I don't have any cloaking modules and did a lot of aimless travel to trigger an encounter with the police, but this time they did find the illegal cargo, confiscated it and fined me. No changes to my reputation, though, or at least no notification about it. I wonder what happened the first time.

Will the updates after 1.0 have backward save compatibility?

hi again how do you have sex with tris? its just telling me to get help from someone?

chat with nimhe


Cant talk to her - she always says "I told you to get lost!"

what is my mistake?

It's described in the walkthrough in more detail, but you need a REP of 5+, need to have the Argus System installed in your ship.

where do you get the weapons for the 'a favour for virgo quest'? I already have the license.

love the game btw

buy in iltari station, normal cargo menu. offers may vary

thanks managed to find them now, just wondering how best to complete the precursor junkyard?

nuke the guardian, hide next to the core and finish the rest off

thanks, ill keep upgrading my defence and attack for now as not sure im strong enough still, what stats would you recommend?

also how do I get khlara to wear the racy/revealing uniform?

For the precursiors:
You best have 5-6 Action Points (MkII Engine with 6 Dynamics Modules) and Quantum Shields and Weapon. Torpedos BFT (or Neutron)

Khelara needs more app for you. Make two or three smuggling missions and chat with her in the engine room after that each day. (or give her vortex).

Either I am doing something completely wrong, or I am missing something.
At the start, when you get the mining gear, and insert the modules for it, and it tells you your engines aren’t powerful enough to get close enough to the asteroids and you should go make some more money. If you put the mining tunnelling modules into the engine, the engine then has enough power, but it tells you you can’t use the mining laser. Classic catch 22. If there is no other way to earn money besides mining, how are you supposed to get that to work?
And grinding a pitiful $200/day until you get thousands of dollars is not my idea of fun.
Also, where do I find the "distraction" in the CC?

(3 edits)

Firts time you return to your ship you get the mining gear. Together with that you get also 4 basic subunits.

put those into the mining laser in the engine room

then you are all set. fly to the debris field right next to the station in Zone "0" and start mining, easily 100k per day, later way more.

And thanks for pointing that out. I added a bunch of helpful comments into the next update to avoid ppl falling into some grinding trap. Also disabled the gambling in the tutorial phase to make even the misunderstanding impossible.
Gambling is nothing more than a quick way to pass time in the bar as QoL.



Where i can buy the cloack shields module i need them for the mission about inflitration in the krell lab

you cannot buy it, you get it from ylyee. have a look at the walkthrough in op, which gives more details

srry if am i an idiot or blind but u can't find where in the walktrought Say something about that

".....Lye is happy with the evidence you collected and has authorized that you be provided with a Voron Cloaking Shield...." is the text :)

Ty i got it now is time to wait the other versión thanks for respond very fast, GL i'm gonna be waiting for this game

Deleted 246 days ago
(2 edits) (+1)

Quite a decent game so far. Maybe a bit more convience in terms of movement on the ship would be possible? Like you can't access cargo or sleep from the lower level. Maybe just change the minimap to show both levels, so you can skip a few clicks and see where everybody is at once. Being able to pick missions from the bridge/travel mode might also be a nice QoL. I also though the space combat was mostly good and very doable, but fighting 2 or 3 of those krell ships is a pain, even fully upgraded and equiped with 6 of the best torpedo's. Perhaps more AP, with less AP cost for normal weapon (so you can deal with the drones better), and extra AP cost for torpedo. Or maybe just reduce the number, damage or speed of the spawned drones.

(1 edit)

Some QoL issues will come with V1.00.

For example turbolift hotkeys for the three ship decks. So "T-1-C" will from everywhere jump via turbolift to deck 1 and go to cargo manager etc.

Regarding the fights there are two "factions" of players. One is having trouble with the Krell seekers, the other telling me fights are too easy :)

A tactic that works nicely agains Krell
- Do not try to waste movements escaping the seekers (just eat them)
- When a seeker is spawned next to a Krell, take out the seeker and the Krell with a single Torpedo
- Never attack a seeker on top of a Krell, as it will deflect damage from the Ship under it
- with your last move hide behind cover!

Hello! Game is looking great! At time of posting, I am currently about to send the Infiltrator to the Lab. I do have a bit of concern/advice for you though. I have noticed that you can find bots in containers with pre-existing shell types aside from J-type and Infiltrator, but when it comes to keeping track of these other types, between the arcades and stasis storage, it is very difficult to keep track of them. 

It would be very much appreciated if we could unlock either some off-ship storage for sex bots that lets us know their shell type on hover, or some way to reproduce shell types we have encountered, possibly including (or warning against/blocking) the Infiltrator shell. 

This is especially important with the notion I have seen in the updates and comments of the Multiverse Pod and the warning of it being single-use... Are there more pods that can be purchased later because for now I am simply keeping my unique bots in stasis shipping pods worried that I may one day lose a battle against space pirates for my cargo and lose the special shell types.

Please either tell me that you are planning something or that I simply haven't reached that point in the game yet...

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoy the game so far.
The best overview over the bots is in the cargo manager, where you can see them with the shell visual in the thumbnail.
Maybe I can also add sth like that for the arcade or configurator storage views.

Shell types can be easily found in the Krell System (Arellarti) Asteroid belt fights if you want to farm them.

The cargo and also the botlab parts are safe from pirates or defeat. Defeat means simply you get booted out of combat with some ship damage.

The multiverse pod is only single use per Game instance. What you could do is save your bots and stuff out by using the pod, then restore your save to before und you have, as kind of intermediate save,  a nice multiverse pod file with your stuff sitting in the save folder (and still have your pod)

EDIT: In v1.00 there is also a player base with off ship storage warehouse.

Thanks for the info! The player base definitely sounds useful for this, only remaining issue is not knowing how many shell types there are. 

You could definitely use the arcades for that though. Or at least something similar, like an arcade at the library that exclusively stocks shell-type bots for an added premium (additional possibility of stills and/or scenes with the arcades AKA free access to the arcade for bot donors) along with / or a list of "stockable" shell-types currently in said arcade. I'm a bit of a completionist for in-game collectables, so I would at least like a list of shell-types to be available in the library.

By the way, (update) I now have obtained every currently available gallery thing. Still have to use the multiverse pod though. On that note, why is everything illegal in the new zone? Is that the default while it's in development? Also I beat both precursor junkyards for their map fragments, but haven't opened the crates yet. Are there unique parts in those crates? The collapsor torpedoes were a nice hidden prize for the gutsy btw. I used two of those torpedoes to take down the final phase of the Krell's Precursor Junkyard. 

Hoping you keep going on this project, and since you mentioned the player base in ver1.0, I have great hopes! Rooting for you and hoping you continue with even more great stuff!

(1 edit)

There currently are

  • Type J
  • Type I 
  • Type L
  • Type N
  • Type C
  • Type K
  • Type V

Shells :)

The illegal setting was the default. Will of course be changed when you get the landing permit.

Thank you! Now to collect the shells... If you could make add a "book" of shell-types later in development (such as the library, since that's what is currently in development)  so you don't have to answer this question over and over would be great! 

Good luck and keep going! I'm gonna grind some bot-looting now...

As to the crates, Precursor Crates contain Precursor Cortices with upgrade slots and personality, attribute and trait cubes.

someone can tell me how or where i can find the lab bot? i need to open the cases for the mision :(

(1 edit)

Not sure what you mean. Whats the Quest Entry you want to do?
- The lab is accessible once BB-2 has repaired the lower decks
- In the lab there is a unit to build bots
- The infiltrator bot for the mission must be assembled (gen 2 or 3 parts, mil grade only)
- Once you store it the mission triggers some cutscene

Sorry because My English is shit,  i need build a bot with 150 IQ ir something like that for a misión but idk how or where i can get the lab, or how i do BB-2 repair the lab

There is a walkthrough in the post

- The lab can be accessed once bb2 had repaired the lower deck (click the hatch in the cargo bay)

- the lower deck can be repaired once vee has been awoken (feed her energy pods fir a few days)


Не могу выполнить задание Nimhes Public Training| Ask Nimhe for a kinky favour while she is out on the ship

Был в лаборатории роботов, SLU повышался, а потом перестал и задание не выполняется, помогите пожалуйста.

P.s. Игра действительно классная, ждем V1.0


You need to repeat the lab facial with every outfit nimhe has (4 in total) to get the achievement and progress

Deleted 1 year ago

А как использовать читы и можно ли добавлять части ботов?

заранее спасибо)


The walkthrough has some cheats ate the end.
Bot parts cannot be added as they are no simple items but instances with unique identifiers.

Just re-roll the contents of a crate to get better parts

Спасибо большое)

(1 edit)

Привет, я так и не разобрался как открыть чит консоль. помоги пожалуйста

SHIFT-R to open
"exit" + ENTER to close

Hey, I've been a big fan your games for a while now and I would be interested in contributing. Is there a medium you use to speak to the community? And, are there any other ways of contributing besides making a donation?

(3 edits)


glad you enjoyed the games.

I have a patreon, where I do almost daily posts on development progress, post concept art, conduct polls and interact with my patrons. Patrons, depending on the level, have the benefit of Early Access, Beta Test participation and playing a more active role in development of the game and its features.

There's also a discord linke to patreon, once a patron joins my discord channels are accessible.

Some ppl dont like patreon, so I have also a buymeacoffee, but thats for donations mainly. Most interactions are on patreon.


I can't buy the racy uniform for Khelara from Shady. Is this a bug? Because i already bought the krell uniform at Shady's

She needs to agree to wear a special uniform first. Increase her appreciation to 3 (do bounty/smuggling missions or give her vortex) and chat with her in the engine room.

Thanks! I guess I didn't talk to her after those missions. 

(3 edits)

Appreciation is at 3. I'm chatting with her in the engine room but it doesn't do anything.

Edit: I had to first unlock the second uniform for Nimhe and T'ris in the shop. After that i could also buy the first in larger quantities.

(1 edit)

nice game. especially thankful for including the source so I was able help myself when I didn't know what to do next. The "future update" messages for the quests were a bit annoying, but it seems you are working on it

Deleted 1 year ago

The shady trader (girl) at the spacebar from 18:00 has it. after buying make sure your give it to T'ris.

how can i inprove the engine

go to the engine room, click on the terminal, go to tab engine, add one or two subsystems in slots to increase output power. one path must be complete to produce power.

You can buy subsystems after one or two days of earning money mining.

(1 edit)

Thanks! Rigging my ship with advanced weapons and then hunting for high class baddies did it. The scene when the J-class bot did its job was really scary.

Glad it worked. The infiltrator bot was the highest voted side character in the game and got special new content in V0.9 :)

(1 edit)

please add a way to free slaves instead of either ejecting their cryotubes into space or selling them to pirates.

Also i was just a little disappointed that the different bot parts don't have different visuals.

(2 edits) (+1)

The slaves actually are freed and rescued when you eject them. you notify space patrol and get a reward. Its described in the message you get. Maybe should have renamed the button 'rescue'

i must have accidently skipped clicked that message away and skipped it everytime afterwards.

How do I get a Head Gen 2, Military Grade? Wait until I can find one in a loot crate or is there another, faster way? 

The game got me positively surprised, being far more a trading sim with some RPG elements that keeps me in front of the monitor for long sessions on end.


you can either do high end missions for rare loot crates or just reroll normal lootcrates. or you check special offers in the bot manager terminal.


a little slow paced at times but overall very good.
and unlike 80% of the titles on here, this does actually count as a game. not just 

>enter name

>click mouse for an hour.

Where is the krell pet store?

The sign on the right part of arellarti plaza

Trying to load my save to version .8.  Sadly I deleted the version .7 from my computer so I cant use the save and I also cant use the Multi Universe thing.  Do you have a download for version .7?

These might still work for 0.7c:

Links PC


Workupload : 

Awesome! Thank you!

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