I would imagine this one has been mentioned a whole bunch of times .. after having focused strictly on transport missions for a bit just to see how many could be done in a day .. there definitely needs to be a mission computer in the warehouse.
Also, I don't recall seeing it at the start, so I thought it might have been quest triggered, but it seems not .. I don't see the custom bot orders list anywhere, even though Nimhe mentions it (and the walkthrough) .. am I blind, or was it disabled and the dialog just left in place?
The list has been backgrounded. When you sell a bot and there is a matching order it fetches a (silent) premium. Need to make that more obvious (maybe a exclamation mark in the packaged bot tab...)
Ah .. good, i'm not blind .. that does however make the dialog and walkthrough a bit misleading.
It seems it should either be a mini game, or just taken out completely .. if we can't participate, there's not really any point to it .. there's already so much random variation just trying to build the best bots possible for our own arcade, that personally, if the only way to fulfill an order is by guessing and getting a notification .. [shrug] .. i'm certainly not going to try guessing, even for a bonus.
Speaking of which .. after rolling for far too long, I'm going to guess that the highest value bot possible is near 100mil cr .. i've gotten to 80 so far .. 100% escape risk of course, can't be used for anything other than crate warming, or borking it's value with a full load of immobilizers.
(i suppose reading the code could be used as a way to fulfill orders, but .. )
wow, now that i've seen that screen shot .. that's a method i hadn't considered .. it's not a true zero though, there's an immobilizer there ... whelp, back to rolling, with new ideas
Did you copy and paste that? Looks like your double quotes got converted to smart quotes (the angled ones, happens in a lot of places that edit text, but not a console), try deleting them and typing them back in.
Yes, I have completed that quest and now am stuck at getting her to go to the auto-trainer. Chatting with her on the bridge does not help unfortunately.
you do not really need ai cores even for combat in the first system.
Recommended sequence - find pirate outpost - get weapons license - get NOT up by smuggling or bounties (start with lvl 1 or two) - buy best gear at Krogneath at Pirate base (NOT 10/20/30 will get you better levels) - once you did that you can go for level 3 bounties, there you will find tons of AI cores as loot - find and have Vee join your crew (see walthrough). Then swarm events unlock, giving lots of cores as well
Once you either (a) craft a your first bot with IQ > 140, (note: store it explicitly in a store dot) or (b) send you first bot of any kind to the arcade, BB-2 informs you that with illegal bots of high IQ more money can be made and recommends to talk to Nimhe about it. This triggers the Pirate Quest.
With project getting bigger, i actually have to spread out updates for the last stage to not have integration effort overshadow NSFW content development from now on.
This project was kind of a "proof of concept" project for me. Fortunately I have the time for it, it was kind of a hobby before and I've been working more or less fulltime on it to see how far i could get it.
It'll probably finished by mid next year and then I might take a break for half a year or so and familiarize myself with the new tools I might want to use in my next project.
TLDR: Its kind of a hobby to keep me occupied and challenged and I have the time for it ;)
If other people enjoy it all the better (and it pushed me to actually finish something...)
I kept tripping over the in ship mini-map .. thanks for leaving your code accessible .. i've managed to get it laid out more to my preference liking.
Again .. probably been mentioned elsewhere, but prefer to keep my comments all in the same place.
In ship navigation .. start in the engine room and there are doors you can follow through the ship, but no way to navigate backward without using one of the mini-maps .. a nav hotspot at the bottom of the screen that goes to the previous room/hallway/(accessible airlock) would be nice for consistency .. (something like an arc about the width of the quick menu, and say 3 or 4 x the font size height of it ) .. that could also make the mini-map optionally hideable. It's also faster and easier to click the big doors than the small maps, and it feels more like traversing through the ship.
.. apologies .. once the thoughts start, sometimes they're hard to stop
Ah, yeah, those arrows are ugly .. but, not an arrow, more like an
area of the floor that gets highlighted, basically acts like a back
step, and only visible when hovered, like the crew and door accents.
I solved my tripping over the mini-map by moving things around a bit.
Basically I would miss the square and hit the door, or vice versa, it was worst in the hallways .. screen shots just for the sake of it.
Illegal Cargo and Repairs appear under Ship Stats, and drop with
the box when it's expanded, as does Ship Stats when Decks is
expanded .. also dropped the quick menu off the bottom of the screen
i had an idea, here's a mock-up .. i used the top of the Maintenance door frame .. with and without the quick menu .. no expectations obviously .. these are just to illustrate the basic idea i have/had
These have likely been mentioned elsewhere, but darned if they're easily found ..
Landed on Tenaris .. mission computer should tell you if you have the items "In House" .. considering it has auto-stock capabilities .. it doesn't have to load them for you, but it should at least tell you they're there (can't quite figure out the object to check in the script to modify it myself)
Void Mining .. okay .. it can been seen as happening outside normal space-time, so 1 hour home space time makes some sense, it also allows you to make use of the rest of the day. The singular Precursor Crate (roll) is okay .. seems the Colapsar Torpedo could use a 1-2 random chance so you can keep rolling if you have the patience (already altered this one myself)
Regular Mining .. the refusal to do so after a certain time makes sense, but it should take a set amount of time .. say 3-4 hours .. so if you start at 0800 you're not wasting the entire day mining, and if you start at 1700 you're going to sleep immediately afterward.
Hyperspace travel .. exactly the same as mining above. The way both of them are set up is frustrating because they start and end in ways that are inconsistent with the passage of time. It's just so .. annoying .. if there were a choice, I'd rather have those two sorted out than mission screen "In House" notifications. (may go looking to alter those myself eventually)
The ship itself does need one more room, a statuary one where you can activate a 'display' of each bot you've found a shell for.
Otherwise .. already spent far too long getting just the right bot setup for near $30,000,000 values. Haven't even finished one version of this game and looking forward to the next update. Nice work.
(one last thought .. the Infiltrator shell .. figured out how to keep it assembled and keep it from even trying to escape the botlab .. it's a shame it can't be used in the arcade .. an idea for that is that it always reverts to its default "Infiltrator" stats, traits and personality when removed from one bot and added to another .. that way it could be used for both (and an excuse to use more precursor cubes))
Thanks for the suggestions on player experience. I'll include that (esp. the time passage consistency) into the balancing / tuning tweaks that come for 1.30.
Cheers .. one very last thought about the mission computer .. it 'could' tell you that you have the items "In House" even while you're out in space .. (because of the auto-stock (and only once you have that capability)) .. of course you'd still need to fly back to get it .. (wasting time efficiently?)
(that thought just got really big. time to stop thinking)
(thinking too hard) .. a possible penalty for mining too late in the evening .. start mining at 1700, you sleep through the morning briefing and the crew randomly chooses what they feel like wearing and doing
Oh, I like the way you think - just, maybe let the "little grey cells" have a lie down for a bit! And a bun. Buns are good.
I agree with your thoughts on Void Field mining. (My first thought when that popped up was to look out for Void Cows. Ahem)
The passage of time is a Thing, and having a set finish time, regardless of when you start does feel a bit weird, as well as compressing the time available for one's evening rounds attending to the crew's needs, visiting the Space Bar (I note that there's no lock requiring an Any Key) and so on. You could say the same thing about T'Ris and her station walks. After the first one for each outfit it takes her all blinking day, rather than an hour, maybe two. What's she doing?
Have a set period, maybe a late start penalty as you said, and the rest is gravy. Or custard.
completely forgot about T'Ris station walks .. even as few as they were, it was annoying.
Late evening mining could even be a cumulative thing .. two evenings in a row, you sleep through the third morning, no briefing, not even knowledge of how your arcade bots did, or whether they were returned to you (random chance of missing morning delivery, delayed to next morning?)
Time management kinds of things .. consider timings carefully to minimize idle time, and maximize benefits against possible penalties, loses, or opportunities put off until later.
when i put seraphine on shopping she never does anything, i also made sure to have 1 000 000 credits on hand aswell, she always says the same about i need to ask her later
I wonder if there is a dice roll that says Seraphine was success or not? I have some odd conversations with her at the hours prescribed, all of them telling me she's still, like, looking for stuff.
The additions are great... It still feels like you waste enormous potential with the current usage of both the holodeck as well as the surveillance monitor. Do you intend to add to both systems or will they stay in the current extent?
I opened too many loose ends and have to focus a bit. I wanted to expand the holodeck but seraphine wasn't really popular among my patrons so i had to rewrite her personality a bit first (started in v1.10 with that=
Hello all, I am loving the game so far and I created an account just for this game to engage with the community. I am having trouble with upgrading my ship, particularly the ai cores. I have two so far (including the one given at the beginning) and I am having trouble upgrading my ship enough to go hunting for them in the precursor junkyard. Any advice would be appreciated.
This is a complex game, and you need several things done to complete each step before you can go on to the next level of the quest to return home.
AI Cores are rare, to start with. There are also plenty of other things you need to have in place before you are in a position to go into the junkyards.
At the heart of the game is your relationship with your crew. Then it's your reputation/ notoriety. Which means doing missions, helping freighter captains, rescuing slaves, even drug-running! Building up your crew's trust, seducing them and showing them off is also a part of this.
Be patient, enjoy your crew, mine like there's no tomorrow. The rewards will come!
AI Cores are mainly combat loot, so getting ready for combat (via pirate outpost) ist the first big step. Brigands (Lvl2 mobs) start drop cores with 15% probability, Lvl3 mobs and missions with higher prob.
You can perfectly go lvl 1 or 2 bounty hunting without any ai cores if you have your laser and shield equipped with all the other subunits that can be purchased at the pirate base and iltari (if you have your license) or found in space events.
Once you have Vee join your crew (around day 40) and the swarm comes for you you get tons of cores :)
There's also a walkthrough in the OP with more detailed combat help.
I've got to the holocastle bit. All I can do is give V her stuff. Is that a feature of playing pre-release, or have I completely derped the bit where I talk to "Space Barbie"?
BB-2 doesn't do that sort of thing. One of the many ways it's an annoying 'droid.
When you are able to go to the Pirate Base you meet the contact your crew has. He will want a favour done, before he lets you do business. Do the favour, come back, and he will tell you you're in, and he recommends someone as an engineer. They turn up while he's talking. Just click on the new person and see what they cost!
Thanks. All those were related to the new sandbox introduced in V1.00. Just looked at them while I packaged patreon Official Release 1.10.8 today and they all are fixed imho.
Walking T'Ris to Admin for the Revealing Uniform. When you leave the ship there's a black screen with a short time later". In the Racy Uniform you click and it changes to a lovely view of a moon...ahem. In the Revealing one you have to click a second time to get a similar, clearer, view. It looks like the same screen repeats, rather than a double click is called. I could be wrong, though. Anyway, it's a lovely clear night, perfect for lunar topography.
At the Cargo console, buying Wares in the lower portion of the table - e.g. Iron Ore - when you click "Buy" or "Sell" the table jumps. This results in buying the wrong item, as the cursor is promptly above a new item. Obviously "Sell/Buy All" won't be affected. This happens at all locations.
The viewport/table is normally fixed and position remembered. the jumping happens in some extraordinary circumstance (last item sold or sth like that). Will have to look at that during next testing cycle.
I suspect it's either the table is competing with itself (be this big at this location on the screen vs be scrolled up so I can see what I am doing) or something. It's repeatable, and seems to only happen when you are dealing with items around Gold Ore, which would be the "border" between the scrolled up and scrolled down limits.
If there's something that I can do which is mundane and simple, let me know, I am retired, interested, and have the time! I have no experience with modern coding, sadly.
The more I do in the game the more I like it. This is a big job!
the game is indeed quite a project as I do everything (coding, art, story, rendering, ...) except for audio (which I contracted out for 1.10+) single handedly. It was a fulltime project since January this year when I started (I have the time and I still enjoy it :)... )
I am always looking for engaged players to join the Beta testing team but for practical reasons (discord) I have limited that to VIP patrons so I can be sure of the engagement.
Of course any bug reports on the public version are also welcome and thanks for that!
1) After all the work I did to recruit Nimhe, it feels a bit too easy to get Khelara on board. She's also difficult to cheer up. I use the Fire on her. like the candle for T'ris, and nothing happens - Khelara worries me!
2) Could you make bot ownership optional? After the first day owning BB's creation it's just sad, seeing it sat on the bed. It's like BB was trying to recreate the Captain, and, well, it feels awkward, knowing there's something of the woman in its make-up.
Comment -
The more I get into it the more your game impresses.
Thanks for the suggestions. I can put the bot in optional "storage" if that is better. She is still required for the story I think. Or I give her better personality
That way you can bring her out for some crucial "we need to make someone think Captain Jennings is still around" stuff. Otherwise she will still be sitting on my bed looking very lonely.
Anyway, that's my Social Engagement Quota met for the week, now I'm joining Galaxina in "Back to Outer Space!"
They can be gained in iltari and arellarti precursor junkyard sites if you defeat the core (3rd level / run). Start with iltari, as that one is the easiest (but go well prepared)
I did have the ice tea, brought it to her at 20:00, she refused. And if i got into the shower, just a scene that been displayed before. Her sluttiness still not been raised...
← Return to game
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where do I find the help list for the game?
It might behard to find at the bottom of all the updates...
I would imagine this one has been mentioned a whole bunch of times .. after having focused strictly on transport missions for a bit just to see how many could be done in a day .. there definitely needs to be a mission computer in the warehouse.
Also, I don't recall seeing it at the start, so I thought it might have been quest triggered, but it seems not .. I don't see the custom bot orders list anywhere, even though Nimhe mentions it (and the walkthrough) .. am I blind, or was it disabled and the dialog just left in place?
The list has been backgrounded. When you sell a bot and there is a matching order it fetches a (silent) premium.
Need to make that more obvious (maybe a exclamation mark in the packaged bot tab...)
Ah .. good, i'm not blind .. that does however make the dialog and walkthrough a bit misleading.
It seems it should either be a mini game, or just taken out completely .. if we can't participate, there's not really any point to it .. there's already so much random variation just trying to build the best bots possible for our own arcade, that personally, if the only way to fulfill an order is by guessing and getting a notification .. [shrug] .. i'm certainly not going to try guessing, even for a bonus.
Speaking of which .. after rolling for far too long, I'm going to guess that the highest value bot possible is near 100mil cr .. i've gotten to 80 so far .. 100% escape risk of course, can't be used for anything other than crate warming, or borking it's value with a full load of immobilizers.
(i suppose reading the code could be used as a way to fulfill orders, but .. )
best 1.10 bot made on f95 (posted a day or two ago) is 81 mil with 0 escape risk.
I assume they'd top out at 30-50 with 0% but was surprised
wow, now that i've seen that screen shot .. that's a method i hadn't considered .. it's not a true zero though, there's an immobilizer there ... whelp, back to rolling, with new ideas
Did you copy and paste that? Looks like your double quotes got converted to smart quotes (the angled ones, happens in a lot of places that edit text, but not a console), try deleting them and typing them back in.
Forgive my ignorance, but where does this code get added? Is it useable on the PC version?
Ah Yes understood, Shift O all good.
Hi guys, I am stuck at getting T'ris to Nimhe for autotrainer. Can anyone help me with this please. Having much fun with the game so far! Thanks!
That's a bit difficult to describe. There is a walktrhoug V1.10 in the OP that explains it.
Essentially you need the BB2/Nimhe autotrainer event first
Yes, I have completed that quest and now am stuck at getting her to go to the auto-trainer. Chatting with her on the bridge does not help unfortunately.
have you tried chatting with her in her room at 1900?
Thank you! this solved my issue. LOL
Where can I get the "Map Fragments" for the mission "A Meeting at the Grand Library"
1x Precursor Site Iltari (3rd level /Core)
1 x Precursor Site arellarti (3rd level /Core)
what's (3rd level /Core)?
The pink installation in the top (guarded by the guardian).
3rd just means your third visit to the site in a single star system
How do I get AI cores? on the walkthrough it says through space fights or bounties, but I have none showing up on the missions, or had any encounters.
Sorry if it is obvious but I have no clue how to progress and there is no other info online.
you do not really need ai cores even for combat in the first system.
Recommended sequence
- find pirate outpost
- get weapons license
- get NOT up by smuggling or bounties (start with lvl 1 or two)
- buy best gear at Krogneath at Pirate base (NOT 10/20/30 will get you better levels)
- once you did that you can go for level 3 bounties, there you will find tons of AI cores as loot
- find and have Vee join your crew (see walthrough). Then swarm events unlock, giving lots of cores as well
- is the Pirate outpost on Tenaris, It says I cant go there without a shield or Weapon,
- there are no smuggling or bounties missions available for me, only transport.
once again, sorry if its a dumb question, ive been stuck in a loop on this for a while unable to progress
From the walk through ...
Once you either (a) craft a your first bot with IQ > 140, (note: store it explicitly in a store dot) or (b) send you first bot of any kind to the arcade, BB-2 informs you that with illegal bots of high IQ more money can be made and recommends to talk to Nimhe about it. This triggers the Pirate Quest.
Its amazing how you regulary put out the update.
How do you keep that up? what motivates you?
With project getting bigger, i actually have to spread out updates for the last stage to not have integration effort overshadow NSFW content development from now on.
This project was kind of a "proof of concept" project for me. Fortunately I have the time for it, it was kind of a hobby before and I've been working more or less fulltime on it to see how far i could get it.
It'll probably finished by mid next year and then I might take a break for half a year or so and familiarize myself with the new tools I might want to use in my next project.
TLDR: Its kind of a hobby to keep me occupied and challenged and I have the time for it ;)
If other people enjoy it all the better (and it pushed me to actually finish something...)
what do I do with the poster?
open your inventory, select it, close your inventory, find it in your quick use, use it on the engine console
Slightly less than a day later ..
I kept tripping over the in ship mini-map .. thanks for leaving your code accessible .. i've managed to get it laid out more to my
preferenceliking.Again .. probably been mentioned elsewhere, but prefer to keep my comments all in the same place.
In ship navigation .. start in the engine room and there are doors you can follow through the ship, but no way to navigate backward without using one of the mini-maps .. a nav hotspot at the bottom of the screen that goes to the previous room/hallway/(accessible airlock) would be nice for consistency .. (something like an arc about the width of the quick menu, and say 3 or 4 x the font size height of it ) .. that could also make the mini-map optionally hideable. It's also faster and easier to click the big doors than the small maps, and it feels more like traversing through the ship.
.. apologies .. once the thoughts start, sometimes they're hard to stop
Thanks for the suggestions. Considered making the map hidable but without other elements that is not practival.
Those "hovering arrows" in other renpy sandbox games I really dislike, thats why the minimap :)
Ah, yeah, those arrows are ugly .. but, not an arrow, more like an area of the floor that gets highlighted, basically acts like a back step, and only visible when hovered, like the crew and door accents.
I solved my tripping over the mini-map by moving things around a bit. Basically I would miss the square and hit the door, or vice versa, it was worst in the hallways .. screen shots just for the sake of it.
Illegal Cargo and Repairs appear under Ship Stats, and drop with the box when it's expanded, as does Ship Stats when Decks is expanded .. also dropped the quick menu off the bottom of the screen
this layout looks and works nice for me
(it's fun poking around in the code)
Definitely less intrusive. I might borrow that :
Would you like the altered file for the sake of comparison? Try it, see if you like it, do your thing from there?
Elsewise, borrow away, by all means.
i had an idea, here's a mock-up
.. i used the top of the Maintenance door frame ..
with and without the quick menu ..
no expectations obviously .. these are just to illustrate the basic idea i have/had
apparently i've got far too much time on my hands
"How did is Tris training go?"
That might be a typo.
what do i give the pet store guy so i can shop there
the voucher from Krogneath (see walkthrough in op)
how do i put bots into storage after making them?
On the left side of the screen, just below the value of the 'bot, there's some small boxes in two rows.
Click on one.
You will see the screen reset to start you on another 'bot, if you want, and the box you chose will have changed colour.
To access that 'bot, click on the little box - as long as you are not working on another one.
Enjoy your creations!
Beautiful graphics, excellent details.
These have likely been mentioned elsewhere, but darned if they're easily found ..
Landed on Tenaris .. mission computer should tell you if you have the items "In House" .. considering it has auto-stock capabilities .. it doesn't have to load them for you, but it should at least tell you they're there (can't quite figure out the object to check in the script to modify it myself)
Void Mining .. okay .. it can been seen as happening outside normal space-time, so 1 hour home space time makes some sense, it also allows you to make use of the rest of the day. The singular Precursor Crate (roll) is okay .. seems the Colapsar Torpedo could use a 1-2 random chance so you can keep rolling if you have the patience (already altered this one myself)
Regular Mining .. the refusal to do so after a certain time makes sense, but it should take a set amount of time .. say 3-4 hours .. so if you start at 0800 you're not wasting the entire day mining, and if you start at 1700 you're going to sleep immediately afterward.
Hyperspace travel .. exactly the same as mining above. The way both of them are set up is frustrating because they start and end in ways that are inconsistent with the passage of time. It's just so .. annoying .. if there were a choice, I'd rather have those two sorted out than mission screen "In House" notifications. (may go looking to alter those myself eventually)
The ship itself does need one more room, a statuary one where you can activate a 'display' of each bot you've found a shell for.
Otherwise .. already spent far too long getting just the right bot setup for near $30,000,000 values. Haven't even finished one version of this game and looking forward to the next update. Nice work.
(one last thought .. the Infiltrator shell .. figured out how to keep it assembled and keep it from even trying to escape the botlab .. it's a shame it can't be used in the arcade .. an idea for that is that it always reverts to its default "Infiltrator" stats, traits and personality when removed from one bot and added to another .. that way it could be used for both (and an excuse to use more precursor cubes))
Thanks for the suggestions on player experience. I'll include that (esp. the time passage consistency) into the balancing / tuning tweaks that come for 1.30.
Glad you enjoy the game so far.
Cheers .. one very last thought about the mission computer .. it 'could' tell you that you have the items "In House" even while you're out in space .. (because of the auto-stock (and only once you have that capability)) .. of course you'd still need to fly back to get it .. (wasting time efficiently?)
(that thought just got really big. time to stop thinking)
(thinking too hard) .. a possible penalty for mining too late in the evening .. start mining at 1700, you sleep through the morning briefing and the crew randomly chooses what they feel like wearing and doing
Oh, I like the way you think - just, maybe let the "little grey cells" have a lie down for a bit! And a bun. Buns are good.
I agree with your thoughts on Void Field mining. (My first thought when that popped up was to look out for Void Cows. Ahem)
The passage of time is a Thing, and having a set finish time, regardless of when you start does feel a bit weird, as well as compressing the time available for one's evening rounds attending to the crew's needs, visiting the Space Bar (I note that there's no lock requiring an Any Key) and so on. You could say the same thing about T'Ris and her station walks. After the first one for each outfit it takes her all blinking day, rather than an hour, maybe two. What's she doing?
Have a set period, maybe a late start penalty as you said, and the rest is gravy. Or custard.
completely forgot about T'Ris station walks .. even as few as they were, it was annoying.
Late evening mining could even be a cumulative thing .. two evenings in a row, you sleep through the third morning, no briefing, not even knowledge of how your arcade bots did, or whether they were returned to you (random chance of missing morning delivery, delayed to next morning?)
Time management kinds of things .. consider timings carefully to minimize idle time, and maximize benefits against possible penalties, loses, or opportunities put off until later.
(Do I mine tonight, or go see T'Ris)
when i put seraphine on shopping she never does anything, i also made sure to have 1 000 000 credits on hand aswell, she always says the same about i need to ask her later
Once you assign the task for her in the morning (!) you can ask her from 18:00 regarding the results. (if you have more than 1 mil)
PS: do not use any mods like URM as they may screw up the gane.
i dont have any mods, but she just says ask me later, she never shops for anything and i have right now 4,5 mil
I wonder if there is a dice roll that says Seraphine was success or not? I have some odd conversations with her at the hours prescribed, all of them telling me she's still, like, looking for stuff.
No mods in use - they frighten me.
I'm having a problem with console commands - money is okay, but adding an item to me or to the cargo bay gives me a "syntax error" response.
I even copy/pasted from the walkthrough, to make sure.
How do you tamper woth the locks it wont let me with the wrist control unit
Do you mean the pink handcuffs in Nimhe's room?
First click on them so you can "look" at them.
Then "use" your wrist control unit.
It won't work if you have not looked at them first. If it's another lock, I may not have got that far yet.
how to extract the pc ver. it gives me an error thing.
Checked the opc version, works fine. mac version originally had an issue but its fixed.
Anyway, here's a mirror for PC:
every time i try to extract the game it says that it is corrupt.. help?
Thanks for pointing it out.
The itch Mac links seems corrupted.
Here is a mirror (Mac): https://mega.nz/file/CuJTxaCa#irhb4tl9rUDrft8ybCrv_a0yZgZTeqao7Ame6REnovQ
so for every new update do i need to start a new game just curious
There are technical reasons for that.
As mitigation I have implemented a method to forward your gear to a new game and also implemented start points.
its all good i was just curious since i didnt wanna corrupt anything thanks
Привет друг)
А есть руководство на новую версию?
Не могу задание пройти, не соображу что игра от меня хочет)
Explore the Quthor system| Traverl to QuThor through the Gate and convince the Drengarians to let you access the Precursor Site.
I forgot to add the new walkthrough
The precursor site in quthor is V1.20 content.
Main goal of V1.10 is to gain access to qzuthor and hire Dr Moira.
Так вот оно что, я понял, тогда ждем следующую версию)
The additions are great... It still feels like you waste enormous potential with the current usage of both the holodeck as well as the surveillance monitor. Do you intend to add to both systems or will they stay in the current extent?
I opened too many loose ends and have to focus a bit.
I wanted to expand the holodeck but seraphine wasn't really popular among my patrons so i had to rewrite her personality a bit first (started in v1.10 with that=
That is a sad but good explanation. I will bug you in around a year again, if it still hasn't changed.
Still, thank you for the game
any femdom in this game and character name, please?
or dominating personality female character name
Oh, my!
You genius!
Yes, I just worked something out. It's not mentioned anywhere (hence the circumlocution) and it's wonderful.
Can't wait to see how you get (redacted) to (redacted) the (redacted)!
Not sure what that could be (there are some hidden dialogue options when you use certain items, maybe those...)
In the Xenos station our hero wonders how he can get "me spaceship upgraded".
When chatting with Nimhe our hero sometimes muddles up "You don't say".
The Grammar Police, here to Correct And Serve.
You don't say is grammatically correct afaik...
Fixed the other point V1.20 upstream
He muddles up "you don't say"
Her says, e.g. "Say you don't", but the context is wrong for that to be right...
Hello all, I am loving the game so far and I created an account just for this game to engage with the community. I am having trouble with upgrading my ship, particularly the ai cores. I have two so far (including the one given at the beginning) and I am having trouble upgrading my ship enough to go hunting for them in the precursor junkyard. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Take your time!
This is a complex game, and you need several things done to complete each step before you can go on to the next level of the quest to return home.
AI Cores are rare, to start with. There are also plenty of other things you need to have in place before you are in a position to go into the junkyards.
At the heart of the game is your relationship with your crew. Then it's your reputation/ notoriety. Which means doing missions, helping freighter captains, rescuing slaves, even drug-running! Building up your crew's trust, seducing them and showing them off is also a part of this.
Be patient, enjoy your crew, mine like there's no tomorrow. The rewards will come!
AI Cores are mainly combat loot, so getting ready for combat (via pirate outpost) ist the first big step. Brigands (Lvl2 mobs) start drop cores with 15% probability, Lvl3 mobs and missions with higher prob.
You can perfectly go lvl 1 or 2 bounty hunting without any ai cores if you have your laser and shield equipped with all the other subunits that can be purchased at the pirate base and iltari (if you have your license) or found in space events.
Once you have Vee join your crew (around day 40) and the swarm comes for you you get tons of cores :)
There's also a walkthrough in the OP with more detailed combat help.
Glad you enjoy the game so far!
i think my game is glitched i cant get weapons and shields
You can get weapons and shields. Prerequisite is you have received the Pirate outpost quest from vigo. The walkthrough describes how to find the base.
I've got to the holocastle bit. All I can do is give V her stuff. Is that a feature of playing pre-release, or have I completely derped the bit where I talk to "Space Barbie"?
Buy the Holprogram, Give V her stuff, give Seraphine her stuff and then take Seraphine to the Holodeck for Intro (go to her oom to pick her up)
Seraphine's room? I really have derped...I don't see it.
opposite nimhes, click on the door?
Oh gods.
I derped, I may have even double-derped.
BTW, your characters are good - have you done any creative writing courses?
No writing courses, but probably done some reading ;)
Hey, does anyone know how to get BB-2 to hire an engineer at the pirate base? Thanks
Hi, there!
BB-2 doesn't do that sort of thing. One of the many ways it's an annoying 'droid.
When you are able to go to the Pirate Base you meet the contact your crew has. He will want a favour done, before he lets you do business. Do the favour, come back, and he will tell you you're in, and he recommends someone as an engineer. They turn up while he's talking. Just click on the new person and see what they cost!
Enjoy your new crew member!
Thanks dude
Last one for a while - Walking T'Ris about the station.
In the Racy and Revealing uniforms it takes all day.
I'm not sure that would be the case, and it does bog things down. Any chance we can throw a raincoat around her and get her back onboard by 12:00 hrs?
The textures for the new uniforms is good - looks like it might be a jersey knit, so soft and strong!
Oh, gods, I am so sorry! I found another...
It is repeatable, if occasionally it does NOT glitch.
You finish talking in the Lab or the Hologram Room, and click on the Turbolift button. And that's when the nightmare starts!!!
What you get is the doorways and the CCTV camera from the 2nd deck superimposed on your CC room.
That red drink is a slution waightign f'ra plobrem!
Yeah, that sort-of happened when I left Barbie's new bathroom - deck 2 overlayed by a hallway door on deck 1.
I'm getting a USS Philadelphia vibe about now.
Thanks. All those were related to the new sandbox introduced in V1.00.
Just looked at them while I packaged patreon Official Release 1.10.8 today and they all are fixed imho.
Thank you!
It's still a blinking good game.
Walking T'Ris to Admin for the Revealing Uniform. When you leave the ship there's a black screen with a short time later". In the Racy Uniform you click and it changes to a lovely view of a moon...ahem. In the Revealing one you have to click a second time to get a similar, clearer, view. It looks like the same screen repeats, rather than a double click is called. I could be wrong, though. Anyway, it's a lovely clear night, perfect for lunar topography.
Possible bug...
At the Cargo console, buying Wares in the lower portion of the table - e.g. Iron Ore - when you click "Buy" or "Sell" the table jumps. This results in buying the wrong item, as the cursor is promptly above a new item. Obviously "Sell/Buy All" won't be affected. This happens at all locations.
The viewport/table is normally fixed and position remembered. the jumping happens in some extraordinary circumstance (last item sold or sth like that). Will have to look at that during next testing cycle.
I suspect it's either the table is competing with itself (be this big at this location on the screen vs be scrolled up so I can see what I am doing) or something. It's repeatable, and seems to only happen when you are dealing with items around Gold Ore, which would be the "border" between the scrolled up and scrolled down limits.
If there's something that I can do which is mundane and simple, let me know, I am retired, interested, and have the time! I have no experience with modern coding, sadly.
The more I do in the game the more I like it. This is a big job!
Thanks for the info.
the game is indeed quite a project as I do everything (coding, art, story, rendering, ...) except for audio (which I contracted out for 1.10+) single handedly.
It was a fulltime project since January this year when I started (I have the time and I still enjoy it :)... )
I am always looking for engaged players to join the Beta testing team but for practical reasons (discord) I have limited that to VIP patrons so I can be sure of the engagement.
Of course any bug reports on the public version are also welcome and thanks for that!
hi. i Like the Game so far, The Mining and Trading part is Mayby to Long,
Now i have the Quest the send a Sexbot to Arcade, but I dont now How,
Make sure your Sexbot is in storage in the Bot machine.
Click on Lab Manager
at the top there's an option for Sexbot Arcade, iirc.
Click on that, select the Sexbot you want to send, and a pop-up will tell you they are on their way!
Good luck!
When it's 19:00 hrs, on the Bridge, and I ask Vee for a "Bridge Favour" she replies "I assume you are referring to a favour that inviolves..."
There's an excess "i" in there. So much for the Swarm being superior! Ha!
Mind you, in the Hint pop-up for "Advanced Command Positions" the instruction suggests someone might be "helful". Someone has taken the "p".
Thx. Registered.
Two questions -
1) After all the work I did to recruit Nimhe, it feels a bit too easy to get Khelara on board. She's also difficult to cheer up. I use the Fire on her. like the candle for T'ris, and nothing happens - Khelara worries me!
2) Could you make bot ownership optional? After the first day owning BB's creation it's just sad, seeing it sat on the bed. It's like BB was trying to recreate the Captain, and, well, it feels awkward, knowing there's something of the woman in its make-up.
Comment -
The more I get into it the more your game impresses.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I can put the bot in optional "storage" if that is better. She is still required for the story I think.
Or I give her better personality
Optional storage would be really good.
That way you can bring her out for some crucial "we need to make someone think Captain Jennings is still around" stuff. Otherwise she will still be sitting on my bed looking very lonely.
Anyway, that's my Social Engagement Quota met for the week, now I'm joining Galaxina in "Back to Outer Space!"
I'm kinda stuck. Can't progress to the library without Precursor map fragments, but I have no idea how to find them...
They can be gained in iltari and arellarti precursor junkyard sites if you defeat the core (3rd level / run). Start with iltari, as that one is the easiest (but go well prepared)
So my AP from Khelara is 6 already but her sluttiness won't raise to 3. It still stuck at 2 no matter how many time i watched her in the shower...
Thats a bit hard to explain but to get more action from khelara you need to bring her her favourite drink prior to the shower (ice tea)
I did have the ice tea, brought it to her at 20:00, she refused. And if i got into the shower, just a scene that been displayed before. Her sluttiness still not been raised...
How do you defeat the Krell and their seekers? I have full upgrades and the BFT torpedoes but I still get shredded
TLDR: Ignore the seekers, use bft mainly with aoe for more than one target and hide prior to your last move and end turn