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hey dumb question, but to play the latest version, i can just copy and paste my old save into the download of the new version of the game right? Thanks so much for the Help! sorry if its worded badly English is not my first language. 

For technical reasons (code flow structure vs. 'save anywhere approach' of renpy) that is not possible for major version increments.

What you can do:

- Save you gear in the multiverse pod or save your warehouse content and bots  with the pod
- Install new game in a fresh folder

- Select new game / starting point / day

- Get your stuff from the multiverse Rift and continue playing

Details are described in the walkthrough chapter MV Pod in the OP.

It's been a while since I played and I had an advanced game. I don't remember how this is repaired. Every time I fight with other ships and they damage me, that percentage goes down.

thats hull plating status.

engine room->terminal->Hull

(2 edits)

I'm also can't have sex with T'Ris. Everything is set. Quest is telling to send T'Ris to Nimhe for training, but I can't! No such option in any dialog. :(

I also gave her 3 times drink, and nothing! I don't understand what to do.

UPD. Emmm, not after Astropolitn, but after Stardust - she agree to go to training. :0

(1 edit)

I kinda cant complete the Nimhes training to get her to SLU 13 as i only have 3 uniforms. I tried to do the Public Favours in every outfit and still nothing. And i didnt get any scene with Leila i gave her 500 credits every day and it still doesnt do anything.

as it turned out, Leila is tied to T'Ris training. you'll need to give her 10k

also the Pharaoh stand was active when you first enter the base. Maybe it's a  bug? I've seen somewhere that 500 mil. cr. is the requirement for this achievement. It's unlikely that I should have it with the couple dozens of mil. These are mine achievements:

Would be convenient to have to some descriptions on those pedestals


I wonder if the last three base expansions aren't available in 1.30? or just locked until certain event? I guess the same goes for room decorations?

(1 edit)

thank you for the reports. The Pharaoh achievement should only be available when 500 million are met.

The hangar extension should be available for purchase right from the beginning. Will look into the issue.

The hangar is the one that under construction, I'm talking about Shield, Turret and the Gate

(1 edit)

The Gate is a reward you get from kythera if you chose the Library path in the Xenos Precursor mission and reject the offers of the zealots.

The gate is quite helpful (point to point jumping from anywhere to the base...) so it might be worth to confront the zealots.

I somehow cant continue the quest where i have to bring my uplink to 75% and an extra ai core in Cargo. I tried stashing all of them until the last was in cargo and still doesnt work. My Uplink is at 100%. What should i do now ?

you haven't mentioned Promethium ore (1 piece), which is also required for this quest. I believe you have it? if not you'll also need Mining laser MKII and unlocked Outer belt since you can't buy this ore. Though I think there is a chance that a 'ship in distress' event could have it.

then you can visit T'Ris at the bridge any time (I think) before 18:00 (end of her shift), and then she tells you to meet everyone at 19:00 in Maintenance cell on 2nd floor.

and the Uplink has to be just above 75%, no need to set it on 100% - full three lines with one AI Core will be enough. 

The problem is i cant mine the promethium. Ive got the mk 2 laser at 100% and Uplink at 100%(Even though its not needed)

Everytime i try to mine it, it says "Chain reaction triggered - mining terminated" I dont know what to do

Oh wait nevermind i still got it, im dumb sorry. And thank you for helping me <3

Deleted 204 days ago

Some items for your consideration:

  • There is a 'smart' buy option, can you implement a corresponding 'smart' sell option.
  • When using the 'Bot Configration & Training' unit it would be usful when selecting parts if you could filter the parts, something like you can on the 'Lab Manager' console.
  • It would be good if repair jobs also occurred on the lower decks after access to them has been restored.
    Also if you ignore repairs it would seem appropriate to have some sort of negative consequence for the ship (apart from the obvious not gaining favour points with T'Ris), like a minus efficiency penalty to all ship subsystems per repair (may want to set a maximum limit however.)
  • As the ship's decks appear somewhat colour coded (blue,red and green), match this on the varrious mini maps and deck shortcut buttons with the coresponding appropriate hint of colour.
  • Could you at least give BB-2 a character card, afterall it was part of the original crew and on the title screen too.
    It would nice if there was a bit more interaction with BB-2, as BB-2 only pops up with certain events and then disappears. (Maybe encounter BB-2 at random on the ship, add it to the daily morning orders with some minor task.)

Thanks for the suggestions.

The color coding I can add quickly, included in V.40.

BB-2 was originally considered to be a sidekick but it could be indeed helpful to have him as team member. On the other hand I do not want to give too much insight into his stats, as he is part of the ships "mystery". Not sure how to include him in a fitting way.
I wanted to give him repair assignments during combat through, which I never finished. maybe i'll pick thatup.

Smart sell would be an endless discussion, so I settled for smartifying sell all. If you have ongoing missions, sell all will retain required stock for the mission.

The repair job impact on the ship I have to indeed enforce to avoid ppl letting it slide. maybe random stops in space (travel events) or failure to hyperjump could be a consequence

Please help me, I can't find where to buy the cloaking module

check Crogneath at Pirate Hideout. Iltari system.

I don't understand how do I trigger Leila's gallery pieces. should I give her a max tip several times in a row, or just several times, no matter how often?

In a row doesn't matter, it just counts overall. There should be hints in the gallery entries too.


the random can get wild

That is nice :) And very rare

How to get promethium

you'll get around it by quest

I usually just buy em from kroganath

Later in the game, on the Pirate Station, MC laments they haven't taught their pet any "Pet Tricks". I assume this is not yet implemented, as I can't find a mention anywhere, including the walkthrough?

this is indeed future content.

This game is frigging awesome, I've bought games on Steam I enjoyed less. My only suggestion would be to cut down on the "wait a few days" things. Maybe I'm doing things in the "wrong" order, but lately I'm just waiting days on end, just to then wait a few more days.

(2 edits)

Glad you like the game!
If you haven't already it would be great if you can leave a 5 star review under "More Information" at below link so other player also see the game recommended more often:

Thanks in advance.

I changed all timers in v1.40 already to 'next morning' and don't announce "wait a few days" so it feels more spontaneous.

i'm having a problem on getting the vortex crate for the minos forge. how do i get them? 

You get 6 bottles of vortex (from seraphine or shady or mining mysteries in iltari), then go to cargo, use one vortex on terminal and you package a vortex exclusive liqor crate with 6x

ok thank you for telling me how to get it 

(6 edits)

I read the manual but I still have quite a few questions about bots. I know that answering questions is a tedious job but I hope that you, dear developer, or someone else wouldn't mind to answer.

1) without giving away the plot details as much as possible - how do I get Elite bot parts? are they achievable through the story progression only? or through AI Core upgrade?

can they be assembled from Mil Grade by Nimhe? or looted? they're not in the common blue boxes, that's for sure.

are there Elite grade for every Gen?

if Elite parts are kind of secret - suits me fine.

2) can you level up a Bot's skill higher even after it achieves Mastery? let's say, some 250 points and Vaginal Mastery - could it be improved after that? either through auto-train or manually?

3) and what exactly Promethium does for training?

"Place Promethium in Lab Extension Slot and press hyper train. The next 20x manual training will have 5x effect per training." - that means I could level up even higher than ever?

4) parts upgrade. I guess it is useful to have as much parts as possible for Nimhe's skill progression. but can she upgrade a part to a higher Grade? let's say, I have three GEN 2 Mil Grade - can she make of those a single GEN 3 subpar, or do they remain as they are?

I looked into the code and at least I understood that MG parts can't be upgraded to Elite ones. if I'll learn more I'm gonna make a little faq here

some pointers as to bots below:

Elite parts can only be found as loot in quthor or purchased from the auctioneer who is a random encounter in the same system

promethium trains faster

The generation cannot be upgraded

A bot can be trained further if you add components which increase its stats even if mastery has been achieved

There are elite parts also for the lower generations but those will only come with version 1.4 for completions sake they do not really make much sense

if you do quality control on a completed  bot, you can then choose the skill which can be further increased by 10 to 30 points depending on your tech skill

bot values: a few million is already a good one but I have seen up to 120 Mil  in  version  1.3

Will anyone wait for the 60 odd mysterious cubes to come in to get your ship weapons fully decked out?

You can get quite a bunch from the wreck site. this is searchable up to 3 times per day.

Alternatively, you can also get multiple add-ons from the space encounters so it is not just one per encounter.

I see..... it still is a grind... better then me early game at least x

Those items are not necessary to complete the game. They are purely optional.

Think of them as goodies for people who like to play different versions of the game and slowly accumulate them.

I see..

(3 edits)

also I'd like to mention some minor issues I've noticed so far.

1) MC addressess T'Ris as the only female onboard even if he has other (screenshot). it's really nothing comparing to the overall quality of this game, which is outstanding.

2) on the pirate base a player can buy everything off Scrap Trader and immediately sell it for higher prices in some "inner" Station store. the prices here exactly like in Iltari station. it's kind of game breaking, if only it's appropriate to mention something like this regarding to a RenPy game. me myself cheating like hell.

I'm glad you enjoy the game so far.

Thanks for the bug/inconsistency reports.
Dialogue issue added to fix list.
And I thought I fixed that scrap trader issue :)

Well, that trader bug I wanna ask if its possible if we add a cheat toggle for that....

and maybe add help commands/documentation in ren'py console itself, that would be awesome.

I'd like to address the schedule in the game. I don't know if this thing related to the game engine, but missions like exploring space hulk at the anomaly in the beginning and mining task just skip time to 20PM and 18PM respectively, no matter when you trigger them.

I don't want to show any disrespect. in fact, I'm hooked to this game. the way it stands like an easy-going space sim with porn elements - which is opposite to being just a space-themed porn game - is amazing. and it has a decent (so far) plot and humor too.

but what if this schedule-thing can be change, through modding perhaps, or in the following builds? say, if mining task would take some hours instead of time skipping? it could give a player a sheer amount of freedom to plan his actions. why don't mine some 3 hours in the morning and only then trade? we have to build our day schedule around these inconvenient game conventions.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the suggestions. Time management is indeed not thoroughly consistent. I just wanted 18:00 as cutoff date for exploration so I have some mandatory time left for evening events.

That probably needs some polish (there is no engine restrictions, time passing is just a simple variable progression)

The anomaly 20:00 rationale is that you need some time to bring V onboard and it takes all day until 20:00. But its only a solo event.

i cant have sex with tris tried giving her a candle and a drink in the mess room before any help??

The drink is the right way (must be the right drink). The walkthrough gives more details (see link in post below)

I can't find the walkthrough...

Where it says walkthrough. There is also a patch before it.


Will this game be released on Android in the future?

The game GUI is not really designed for touch devices.
Also I have no SDK for Android and no HW to test it, so there is no plan from my end yet. :(

thank you

How do you find Belis to get the ultimate weapon?

Visit her in The Quarry (as usual), Quthor System

(1 edit)

My question is how do I enter that area that I am missing? 

I have tried all the rooms and I think I am missing something

It's the area next to the cargo bay on the right.

There is a sign Section B in cargo. It accesses the storage area.

It never was made into an official room.

(2 edits)

I think I found a bug.

1) in my previous game I did Veronica's missions every day. I've seen a lot of games which utilize RenPy engine, so I know that you can "rewind" actions using mouse scroll and then trigger them again. so I always got those  smuggling missions.

2) I started a new game and after first successfull smuggling mission I can't trigger them anymore. I tried to wait a day or two, clear save and persistent files - same thing. I tried to enter shop, taking transport missions, speak to Veronica for no success. all she talk is "check your terminal for standard missions".

one thing I never tried to do in my previous game is to use a Candle on T'Ris. her mood popped from 50 to 100. my guess is that I broke something by doing that.

I'd like to mention this somewhere else, but don't know where.

(1 edit)

thank you for submitting the bug report. 

normally this mission is triggered with a random probability around 50% and as you mentioned re-rolling should enable you to get it consistently. 

I will mark it in the bug list and have a look at it when I develop version 1.40.

edit: please note that the game cannot be run with any of the mods which is out there as it will corrupt its data state and lead to unpredictable behaviour. I am assuming that you are not using any mod.

I don't use any mods

also is there any wiki resource?

I'd like to understand how the bot system works. first time I was overwhelmed by that many options. building three 3-rd grade bots was fun (200k-900k bot price), but they don't seem to make much profit in Arcade (around 30k a day), even after training and basic repairs. and I don't understand how to use those bio- and nanite things for repairs.

also what other option for a day assignment for T'Ris does? refilling or recharging something instead of diagnostics.

(2 edits)

There is no Wiki yet, but the walkthrough in OP contains some info / appendices (on combat, bots, quests...)

Bots can value up to 90 Million (Top Tier, fully maxed out)

Attainable "good" Bots are worth a few million. What to watch out for to optimize value

  • Generation 3 is best
  • Grade: "Military Grade" is best
  • repair all parts with the wrench symbol (eventually your skill will be enough to gio to 100%)
  • train all skills to max (try to get bots with hearts/likes). Use promethium for Speedtrain
  • make sure the bot has escape rating of 0% (linked to INT and attitude) or it may escape at night
  • IQ >140 bots can only be sold at the pirate outpost or in more anarchic star Systems (Arellarti for example)
  • and much more... :)

So if early on you can make a bot worth 1 Mil its quite good already.

Making Money

  1. Early Game: Mining
  2. Early/Mid Game: Bounty Hunting
  3. MidGame: Bots
  4. Endgame: Bounty/Combat/Bots/High Volume Trade

thank you!

(1 edit)

can anyone please explain Investments more? they appear pretty early in the game. the descriptions are unambiguous, however I don't see any difference.

for example:

1) Starburst Prospecting (increase mining output Significantly!) - don't really noticed any difference. does it makes more valuable resources appear more? or does it works for quantities, not qualities?

2) Dynamic Arcade Solutions (free onsite bot repair service) - does it reduce weariness? or restore actual % of every part (arms, legs etc)? if so, to what %?

my guess is that Investments work like buffs. so as long as Invest, you have a buff. but in an actual build of the game they may not work properly, or don't work at all. am I right?

All the investments work and advanced players buy them all if money allows.
Early on you need to slowly buy em to not get broke...

- prospecting increases yield (around 50%)
- arcade solutions keeps all your arcade bots at 100% repairs state (no earnings deterioration)

thank you for a swift answer!

How do i go back to quthor, its says that is blocked

If you have Moira already onboard that is a bug. It is fixed with v1.30.15d.1 and should heal itself (if you are blocked) if you sleep one night

If you do not have Moira do the Quest (see walkthrough)

(1 edit)

Im already on 1.30.15d.1 and finished Moira quest, just need contact Belit for the weapon and enter to NX010, but its still blocked

(1 edit)

That was a bug in 1.30.15c and should be fixed in 15d.1 (and also healed over night if issue occurred before ). 

Chat with Moira (she will officially join the crew), then sleep one night for the patch to repair the game.

I’m having trouble finding the precursor map fragements from Arellarti and lltari. Were can I find them

beat Junkpark 3 times

How to open gallery? I saw once, but now I can't find it.

Press P or click on the PDA icon then click on Gallery at the top

(1 edit)

I caught on to the uniform side quest for T'Ris late, when she was already at or past the third tiers level for exh and she won't take another tailoring set, is the one fashion adjustment that she made the 'lewdest' or 'mildest'? I don't even know.  I am presuming the mildest since it seems somewhat similar to the racy uniform.

There are three progressive variations. (3 kits)

Yes, I finally read the walkthrough. I am letting you know that the quest will not progress in this situation - where I started it when she was already at a higher exh level.  A game 'month' later and she will still not accept another tailoring set.

(2 edits)


The progressive uniform activation is independent from character statistics and can be started early or later.

There is a base EXH stat which is necessary to start activities with the clothing kits. There's also a maximum EXH stat which is required to have the final uniform unlocked.

It is not necessary to revert to an earlier game as lined out above the introduction of the uniforms can be started at any point. There is no risk for soft locking or  locking yourself out.

progression from one uniform to the next level only takes three days max.It is necessary for the uniform to be actually worn for progression to occur.


PS: my game is not compatible with any third-party mods at this point in time. Your save game states will be most likely corrupted if you have used a third-party mod or started the game with one.

Okay, finally got it.  She accepted the 2nd kit at 8:00 on the bridge while standing next to Vee - on the third day in a row - of wearing the first alteration.
Now if I can only remember how I made her stress go away without *having* to have the 'night favor' in case I want to interact with Moira or Veronica or just bloody go to sleep lol.

(1 edit)

When she is in the Mess Hall (18:00 I believe) give her an Astropolitan, it will reduce her stress ( I think for 45 points) and does not advance time.

Or if you have purchased the Base you can make sure you end your day there and it will reduce all crew stress to 0 and fill their Mood/Energy

Also I have the multiverse pod mission blocked I sent the pod and I also took it back but the mission is still active also is there a way to get it back that I haven't found it anymore

if you used the pod ingame your stuff is saved for the next game and everything is fine

I can't have sex with T ris The game tells me to ask Nimhe for help but nothing happens also how do I get weapons I can't travel to Tenaris or to precursor junkyard and above all where the pirate base is

Ive updated the walkthrough for the game and added it to the main game post. All these questions should be answered in there (hopefully)


I would love to try this on Android, do you ever plan to bring this to Android?

I'm kind of really confused on how to continue from where I'm at right now. 

I can't buy weapons and stuff or get the newest engine to go to the anomaly

The only active missions I have are those, and I did see about the Pirate Outpost earlier, but it's not an area I can access. This leaves me wondering with what to do next, and honestly if I find out I have to fully restart because I missed something I might just give up as I've already spent a couple of hours on the game. Hopefully someone has any ideas on what I should do from here. (I can't buy weapons, I can't talk to Nimhe, I can't do anything besides make more money) 

(3 edits)

You do not need a new engine to travel to the anomaly. Just bring your engine to 50%.

You need to fill the second and third "path" in the engine configuration screen for that (Theres two more rows with empty slots = the black boxes). Just put in some output modules and tunnelling modules and positron devices...

below is an image of a 100% system. You dont need any ai cores at this point.though to get to 50.

Once your got to the anomaly things develop... :)

Buy whatever subsys are available each day that you can afford to fill all the slots in the right side of the (E)ngines window.  Tunneling modules in place of AI cores (and any other open slots just not 4 across) to start and you will be able to get there.

(1 edit)

Got a question about the multiverse pod/warehouse.

I went with warehouse option in v1.20, but now that I started a new game in v1.30 I see the pod on the map, which I assume is from  the one I used in v1.10. 

Would picking up the pod lock me from getting the warehouse loot?

(2 edits)

No. Both work concurrently. You can pick up the pod and when you enter the warehouse it also will autopopulate. :)


What are all the way I could get ai core I'm starting to think I had softlocked myself after fixing the autotrain machine

There are tons of them. The first 5 drop in low level combat, after that they drop in level 3 combat and swarm encounters very consistently

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