Which Pony outfit are you referring to. The one you need for the early Quest with Nimhe or the one you need for the quest with seraphine?
A related issue has been reported before, it was caused by the use of a mod called urm which corrupted the data. Space journey x cannot be run with urm and once it has been started with the urm code it's irretrievably corrupted.
the one with Seriphine and no mod, just the game i got off itch.io the 150_15 .pc and didnt know there was an outfit for Nimhe. I must not be there yet or i missed something
The Pony quest for seraphine kicks off when her exhibition has reached level 6 . You can only start to train her exhibition once she is willing to wear a uniform and has become a member of the crew. She becomes a member of the crew once she has contributed three times to the ship's mission by doing a successful shopping activity.
As this is more or less an optional Quest, it is not visible unless the shopping trigger has been fulfilled.
I keep getting a bug in when i am fighting another ship, i use the torpedoes then i go to use my weapons and an error message pops up forcing me to flee. how do i fix this?
There is no known in-combat error message recorded so far. Can you be more specific? What weapon? Use on what? What does the error message say? What OS are you using? Are you using any mods? Have you used command line cheats? Are you running the game on an emulator? What Game version are you running? ...
Thank you for the screenshot. From the naming of the procedural calls, I can infer that you are running an operating system which uses special character sets. For example, Chinese or Japanese. Might be that this causes an issue.
Game completed. Great stuff. Good length and the combat and mini games were fun. Really liked the variety of girls and the overall design of them. I've read some people not liking the character design, but I love it. A lot of games use models trying for realism and end up looking like creepy 3D sex dolls, but your approach is more Pixar-like, and well done. The Irith/Seraphine model is by far my favorite. When I saw a single screenshot of her from your previous game, she was what made me try it and I was glad to basically see her return here. Really looking forward to future games and releases from you!
Thanks for the comments. I'm glad that you liked the game. There will be a few more expansions for space Journey X before I move on to my next project.
Oddly, I thought that seraphine would be by far the most popular character, as she is for me, but I found the majority of the players like Nimhe better. :)
Nimhe and Khelara were a close 2nd for me :P Even the minor characters were great. Verity, Shady, Krogneath's guard and the woman at the bar at the pirate base, and even the newscaster for Krell space was hot lol Do you recall what DAZ model(s) you used? (specifically Seraphine) I've been messing around with the program myself and was curious.
For all the models I am using the Toon Princess morph with a 60% setting for the body and for the head. The base figure is Genesis 8. The hair for seraphine is called RF hair if I'm not mistaken
Thanks. I gotta say I love this game thats actually a game and not just a bunch of random sex scenes with a few annoying mini games thrown in. Either make a good VN or a good game. That's what you've done, you've made a great game sir .... kudos to you!
The correct number is 11, I think this was a mistake in the walkthrough. As to the missing quests, I hope I have described them all in more or less detail in the walkthrough that is linked in the original post.
Thank you, but she still does not do any of the things she should do as described (training T'ris) I also didn't finish the Holoroom events, which might have contributed, can these be viewed later or do I have to start a new game?
In general, I designed the game in a way that there are no missed scenes. You can always progress to the point for each character where you can unlock each scene.
As to the training support. I think there is a bug in the bridge favor screen of V and she will not talk to you about Tris. Fixed that In version 2.0.
Thanks, I think it's a soft lock of sorts because I can't get Sera and Vee out of the Krell uniforms in Krell space so they no longer use the VR room... unless there is an alternate way to do this
There is a different way, but this is connected to a new Mission where you can legalize the presence of seraphine in krell space. It's described in the walkthrough
There is a walk-through document in the original game post which explains this puzzle. Essentially you have to add one element of each of what is in the box on the right side of the wall. You can use the same order. The elements are taken out of the box.
The Nimhe bug fixed itself but one worse one showed up. The second pet walk with Seraphine bugged out. The day ended after I watched the race, the bookie, and pony registration guy stayed on screen. Seraphine was still following me in her pony gear. I could not send her back to her room.
Didn't lose that much progress, I now frequently save just to be sure. Also, I have a minor suggestion, having the crew react to the progressive outfits of T'ris and Nimhe. The last outfit for Nimhe is just a small jacket and thigh-high boots/stockings/idk. Besides that, she's completely naked alongside T'ris, it would be great if the rest of the crew would make comments about their outfits.
Stuck at Beacon of Elements. I've got sufficient ores according to the walkthrough, but just can't figure out the way to interact. The game is amazing, and I do want to reach the finale.
I have a patreon page and also a subscribe star page which are linked in the game starting screen. I also had a one-time donation page at buy me a coffee, which I think is also linked in the starting page of the game.
Cant seem to advance anything with Nimhe any further. Day 60, done the bot quest with her, done the whole handcuff thing and sent her to Tris and did the auto trainer thing with bb2, but no favors/public favors are offered when i talk to her. Guide says she mentions"interesting toys" with nothing else to go on. I can only find the one Shady sells and shes not interested.
EDIT: Real NSFW content with Nimhe kicks off once you do her a favour. She will approach you and ask for it once your NOT is 10 or more. See WT on Nimhe's Progression.
Which part in below steps is not working? ========================
After you have seen the Galaxina “Ponygirl” episode, chat with Nimhe.
She expresses interest in a cosplay outfit along those lines. It can be bought in the Krell Pet Store on Arellarti if you have done Krogneath's Favour Quest later in the game and received the Pet Voucher.
If you try to take Nimhe on a ship walk in the Ponygirl outfit, she’ll refuse but agree to practice walks on Iltari Station. You can walk her in her normal uniform there until her EXH reaches 9 with various scenes.
Once Nimhe has EXH 9 and SUB 4 (get SUB1,2,3 with spanking and 4 with gifting her the Pony costume) you can ask her again for the Pony Walk
You can walk her twice, with her SUB going up to 5 after the second walk & gallery achievement
Once Nimhe has seen you taking out Seraphine (see Seraphine's quest) for some Pony Walks (3) she approaches you and wants Pony Walks in the Dome for herself.
After seeing the Galaxina “Ponygirl” episode, chat with Nimhe.
***She expresses interest in a cosplay outfit***
that part isn't working. I watched the episode and chatted with her, but she didn't express interest in cosplay. After seeing the episode for several days (in-game), nothing had changed.
This game is great thank you, the start was not easy, but try by try it get better, 60 pages of walkthrougt is a lot to read but very usefull for understanding the game, sorry for my bad language, i am from germany, tutorial for fight against enemies of all type would be nice, i dont have F95 and could not get the xenos map part. i startet then a later begin where the mission was already done. One question i have, where is the gallery to find? i dont have such a menue entry
For some reason, I'm dtruggling really hard with finding ai cores. Have i missed something, or are they supposed to be rare? Struggling with continuing the game without them.
You do not really need many of those in the beginning. The first 3 are guaranteed drops in any combat. Later most bounties > 2 or any swarm encounter will yield some Combat can be started once you're in the pirate outpost (see walkthrough)
Stuck on the Moira exam quest... how do I drink stuff out of the inventory? There doesn't appear to be any way to click on yourself and no obvious drink button.
started a new game recently and am unable to unlock the bridge sex scene with Tris despite having all the requirements seemingly. i started the game at the very beginning so it isnt the same issue as starting later
That unlock option should be provided as a post-sex dialogue between mc and vee after bridge sex. Did you get the comment but tris doesn't accept or did the comment from v never show up?
There is another bug report related to this. Investigating it. If confirmed I'll fix it in V2.00. It is fortunately not mandatory for story at the moment.
I'm currently trying to get the 3rd map fragment, but the zealots and the precursors in the voronian space are way too difficult to beat despite having mark 2 torpedoes and a plasma lance, with good armour. Where do I get better weapons and armour?
There is a tutorial video on f95 Zone which shows the fight. The trick is that at the end of the first fight against the zealots you need to keep one alive and play with it a bit until kelara had time to reload all your torpedoes then you just continue to the junkyard level
Level 3 weaponry and voron torpedoes should be enough. The only thing that is mandatory is six action points and preferably at least one cloaking point.
You could always enter into an agreement with the zealots and then you only would have to do one fight instead of two back-to-back.
Something I'd like to see as part of the walkthrough is a table of bot traits, personalities, attitudes, and IQ levels and their effects (if any) on the training specialties, price, whether certain combinations are better, etc.
Content is about 90% done. There will be a release of version 2.0 in a few weeks which is a tech update and from that version on it will hopefully be save game compatible to new releases. Then there will be one major release version 2.1 in spring and then the first part of space journey is completed.
After that it will be episodic releases or expansions.
You only need a handful of favor points five if I remember correctly. The trick is that there are some steps to get her to do that and the walkthrough describes it in detail. There is a bug if you started at day 40 or day 60 and you can never reach the sex stage.
Sex is not required to complete the story. So for the time being, sorry that it cannot be reached. If you used one of the intermediate starting points. There will be a bug fix in the next update.
How do you actually do the space mine, cause both the game and the walkthrough only says you can change alignment with the arrow keys, but absolutely nothing about how to shoot the laser or whatever happens when your mining
Hey..I am stuck trying to get to the next system..I need a sponser, and the walkthrough is confusing as heck. Talk to the frog guy...can't. Help please
YV: Yah, I use my computer without my glasses....being old sucks. :) My main issue now is trying to save the Princess...and the walkthrough suggests level 3 armor plating...where the heck do you get it, while in the 2nd system you can only buy the level 2 plating? I suppose there are some things I need to do in the starting system....sigh. Like go in area where all the drones are....sigh, thanks
The main station in iltari will sell you level 3 (quantum) shields and weapons and BFT torpedoes if your REP is 30+ (go to station admin and ask to upgrade your license, from the next day they appear randomly in the station trade interface) Krogneath in the pirate station is not so discerning and he will sell you all once your NOT is 15 (or 20?).
With 6 BFT torpedoes and L3 weapon ans shield the princess fight is easy (look in walkthrough for the diagram). TLDR: Fly to top left rock, ignoring drones on the way (unless its oportune to hit them _with_ a ship also damaged). Then engage the two ships from behind the rock, hide there with your last turn(!) and then mop up
Hey, been off for a couple of days. Ahh ok. I figured there was a secret to all this. So, get my reputation up as a scoundrel...lol...and then the level 3 stuff will be available. I think I have some quantum things, but will look when I play again. Thank you!
Get a copy of your prescription, go to Zenni's website, and enter the script. There's an option for getting a pair of glasses with blue light reduction specifically for sitting at the computer. They convert your Rx into a slightly different form measured for approx. 3 ft reading distance off screens. I've got 2 pairs, one for my computer, the other for driving/work. And yes, it works if you have bi/trifocals. That's taken into account.
Hey...ah, thank you. I got through it ok...my issue now is how to rescue the Princess with only 49%chance of survival...lol. only level 2 plating for sale in the 2nd system, so trying to figure out how to go about killing 3 level 3 ships and all the mines...lol.
yep that I will need to figure out lol but tbf I would not get started rescuing the princess if I did not already have the weapons to do so, but that is just me and everyone is different.
been playing for a bit now and I can't believe I found a game I like more for the gameplay then the fanservice. I almost skip the naughty stuff to get back to the gameplay (I said almost).
Game you can get for free that is worth paying for. tks and keep up the great work.
I deliberately set out to make a game you can play with some NSFW subtext and not just a NSFW picture story on rails. Just now working on 2.00 new architecture, which possibly can solve the save game issue and allows me to release compatible content packs :)
I've been playing this for a day or so. I've done a couple of the introductory missions so far.
I have the mission Arm Yourself and A Favor for Vigo. It requires me to equip my ship with a laser and shields. I managed to find a shield. However, I cannot find any weapons. I believe this is because I don't have a weapon license.
I've tried to get one through the Iltari Station by clicking on Station Control. This doesn't seem to work as I get the message "I wouldn't know what to do here."
I'm clearly missing something very easy. Any suggestions on what that could be?
You need to have a reputation of 10 to be able to ask for a weapons license at the station Administration. You can increase your reputation by completing transport missions, helping out space farers who are in trouble, freeing slaves in case you stumble upon a container, and some other ways. The walkthrough explains how to get reputation.
I’ve been playing this game for a few hours now and it’s really great fun.
I think I have come across a bug however:
Khelara is stuck on 2 sluttiness and doesn’t increase further. The walkthrough suggests to just stare at her in the shower but nothing happens after having done that multiple times. Her APP is at 4 at the moment so high enough for it to progress
Starting at sluttiness 4 the walkthrough suggests that I then need to bring her some drinks to progress further but I can’t even get her there since it seems I am locked out from increasing her sluttiness.
If I remember correctly, you need to bring her a drink and then visit her later in the shower. This will give you an additional scene with the stats increasing.
Thanks for your answer. I tried giving her all kind of drinks but nothing happened. I think you are referring to the step when her sluttiness is level 4 already as per the walkthrough. She is currently at 2 for me and I can’t increase it any further. The walkthrough suggests that I just need to watch her shower but nothing changes?
How do you get gallery scene on page 7 spot 17? Hint is Practice 'social interactions' with naked v... slu +5. She is slu 11 for me and I have done everything I can think of
I have no idea how to even start looking for the 2 map fragments. Ive been everywhere in Iltari I can possibly click for the Iltari fragments I cant remember how the chat when and where I should look.
• If you have watched all Galaxina Episodes (i.e. they begin to recycle on watching),spend a Night in Iltari System
• You are informed by News that a Galaxina Prototype Bot Shell has been stolen and a huge reward has been promised by HoloMax Inc.
• Next time you fight Arellarti Asteroid Pirates (any Scenario), you have a chance of finding that Prototype Bot Shell (after exiting victoriously)
• From here you have two choices, namely (a) give it to Nimhe, then you can use it in your Lab or (b) hand it in at Iltari Station and you'll get a huge reward and an unpublished Galaxina Novel
You can find this and other info in the 1.40 Walkthrough in the Main Post.
I am stuck on the gun purchase part. I think I have my license, but I don't know where to buy it. The pirate tells me that I have to belong to his group, and the other that I have something to do.
- To start with bounties you need to vanquish Pirate Ghad. - to do that you need weapons - those weapons you can buy at Iltari station if you have a license - your rep needs to be 10 to get the weapon license at iltari station - the next day you can buy (basic grade 1) weapons and shields at the station - kill Ghad - after that you can take on simple bounties and gain NOT - Once NOT is 10+ (or 5?) you can buy gear at the pirate station (they don't care about licenses)
There is a walkthrough in OP which describes that in detail. Let me know what was poorly described in the walkthrough so I can improve it.
First, thank you for responding. I have reputation 17, and if I'm not mistaken I already got the license at the control station. But then if I try to enter it says it doesn't know what to do there. I don't understand where to buy, I already went all over the station and nothing. I only can buy shields in the cargobay, but i don't know how to buy weapons
I seem to be stuck at the Pet Owner on Arellarti Station. Praising his pet and chatting does not reveal the next step. Nor can I get Tris to do the public walk. What am I missing?
The trick is indeed to have Tris accompany you and then talk with the pet owner. I think I described the conditions for the pet walk in the walkthrough in Tris section.
Let me know where that was unclear so I can improve the walkthrough document.
That should be pretty straightforward. You can deliver the items any day prior to the deadline. Please note that you need all the required quantity in order to finish the mission. If there is an active mission for a location, there is a red! On the location. Fly to the location and then click on the location and the mission will complete and the products will be unloaded and payment will be done
Lol already went with the $10 option on Subscribestar, even made a comment there too about the Ponygirl bit and how I'm surprised we can't make Triss one XD.
The pony girl content is available in the latest version in some basic form. Technically it isn't the big issue to add other crew members to your stable :)
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ok hate to say i'm stuck again :( where do you buy the pony outfit? i went to shady and the pet store but couldn't find it.
Which Pony outfit are you referring to. The one you need for the early Quest with Nimhe or the one you need for the quest with seraphine?
A related issue has been reported before, it was caused by the use of a mod called urm which corrupted the data. Space journey x cannot be run with urm and once it has been started with the urm code it's irretrievably corrupted.
Did you have this mod installed?
the one with Seriphine and no mod, just the game i got off itch.io the 150_15 .pc and didnt know there was an outfit for Nimhe. I must not be there yet or i missed something
The Pony quest for seraphine kicks off when her exhibition has reached level 6 . You can only start to train her exhibition once she is willing to wear a uniform and has become a member of the crew. She becomes a member of the crew once she has contributed three times to the ship's mission by doing a successful shopping activity.
As this is more or less an optional Quest, it is not visible unless the shopping trigger has been fulfilled.
I keep getting a bug in when i am fighting another ship, i use the torpedoes then i go to use my weapons and an error message pops up forcing me to flee. how do i fix this?
There is no known in-combat error message recorded so far.
Can you be more specific?
What weapon?
Use on what?
What does the error message say?
What OS are you using?
Are you using any mods?
Have you used command line cheats?
Are you running the game on an emulator?
What Game version are you running?
once i use my last torpedo it usually says this. I have not been runnging any code or cheats, i am playing on my laptop, and i am not using any mods
also not sure what an emulator is sorry
Thank you for the screenshot. From the naming of the procedural calls, I can infer that you are running an operating system which uses special character sets. For example, Chinese or Japanese. Might be that this causes an issue.
shoot how do i get the not chinese or japanese version lol
Game completed. Great stuff. Good length and the combat and mini games were fun. Really liked the variety of girls and the overall design of them. I've read some people not liking the character design, but I love it. A lot of games use models trying for realism and end up looking like creepy 3D sex dolls, but your approach is more Pixar-like, and well done. The Irith/Seraphine model is by far my favorite. When I saw a single screenshot of her from your previous game, she was what made me try it and I was glad to basically see her return here. Really looking forward to future games and releases from you!
Thanks for the comments. I'm glad that you liked the game. There will be a few more expansions for space Journey X before I move on to my next project.
Oddly, I thought that seraphine would be by far the most popular character, as she is for me, but I found the majority of the players like Nimhe better. :)
Nimhe and Khelara were a close 2nd for me :P Even the minor characters were great. Verity, Shady, Krogneath's guard and the woman at the bar at the pirate base, and even the newscaster for Krell space was hot lol Do you recall what DAZ model(s) you used? (specifically Seraphine) I've been messing around with the program myself and was curious.
For all the models I am using the Toon Princess morph with a 60% setting for the body and for the head. The base figure is Genesis 8. The hair for seraphine is called RF hair if I'm not mistaken
what is the 'mysterious cube' used for?
This is a kind of special key you will need in the late game phases. It allows you to gain excess to roaming vault ships for special unique equipment.
You will need multiple sets of these so I recommend you keep them safe.
Thanks. I gotta say I love this game thats actually a game and not just a bunch of random sex scenes with a few annoying mini games thrown in. Either make a good VN or a good game. That's what you've done, you've made a great game sir .... kudos to you!
I am glad you enjoyed the game so far.
Over the course of the coming year there will be a number of extensions in additional content planned.
This is good boss keep it up
Soo I missed some of Vee and Seraphina's quests and V is still not Slut 12 to start training T'ris how do I fix this?
The correct number is 11, I think this was a mistake in the walkthrough. As to the missing quests, I hope I have described them all in more or less detail in the walkthrough that is linked in the original post.
Thank you, but she still does not do any of the things she should do as described (training T'ris) I also didn't finish the Holoroom events, which might have contributed, can these be viewed later or do I have to start a new game?
In general, I designed the game in a way that there are no missed scenes. You can always progress to the point for each character where you can unlock each scene.
As to the training support. I think there is a bug in the bridge favor screen of V and she will not talk to you about Tris. Fixed that In version 2.0.
Thanks, I think it's a soft lock of sorts because I can't get Sera and Vee out of the Krell uniforms in Krell space so they no longer use the VR room... unless there is an alternate way to do this
There is a different way, but this is connected to a new Mission where you can legalize the presence of seraphine in krell space. It's described in the walkthrough
Does progress with Khelara end after the shower HJ and the 2 different workout scenes? She doesnt give it up completely? lol
Her content will be completed in the last episode of space Journey x 1 which is version 2.1
beacon of assembly im stick
There is a walk-through document in the original game post which explains this puzzle. Essentially you have to add one element of each of what is in the box on the right side of the wall. You can use the same order. The elements are taken out of the box.
The Nimhe bug fixed itself but one worse one showed up. The second pet walk with Seraphine bugged out. The day ended after I watched the race, the bookie, and pony registration guy stayed on screen. Seraphine was still following me in her pony gear. I could not send her back to her room.
Yes, that mechanic was a bit too fragile. Fixed in 2.00.
Didn't lose that much progress, I now frequently save just to be sure. Also, I have a minor suggestion, having the crew react to the progressive outfits of T'ris and Nimhe. The last outfit for Nimhe is just a small jacket and thigh-high boots/stockings/idk. Besides that, she's completely naked alongside T'ris, it would be great if the rest of the crew would make comments about their outfits.
Stuck at Beacon of Elements. I've got sufficient ores according to the walkthrough, but just can't figure out the way to interact. The game is amazing, and I do want to reach the finale.
- "Repair" the console (hint: like at game start, look for a tool in you inventory)
- then investigate the diagram on the right (click on it). hint: you need those elements exclusive to star systems indicated there...
- if all fails, you can look up the solution on the walkthrough
this game is incredible, a mix between No Mans Sky and skimpiness. Love the references to the princess tower game as well.
Great to hear you liked it. Would be awesome if you can leave a star rating ;)
already did :3
Awesome, thanks!
is patreon the main way to support you?
I have a patreon page and also a subscribe star page which are linked in the game starting screen. I also had a one-time donation page at buy me a coffee, which I think is also linked in the starting page of the game.
Cant seem to advance anything with Nimhe any further. Day 60, done the bot quest with her, done the whole handcuff thing and sent her to Tris and did the auto trainer thing with bb2, but no favors/public favors are offered when i talk to her. Guide says she mentions"interesting toys" with nothing else to go on. I can only find the one Shady sells and shes not interested.
EDIT: Real NSFW content with Nimhe kicks off once you do her a favour. She will approach you and ask for it once your NOT is 10 or more. See WT on Nimhe's Progression.
Thanks for the reply. My NOT is a bit shy, that was the reason.
Nimhe's ponygirl quest is not starting. I already watched the ponygirl galaxia episode and did the sent T'ris to pet training 3 times.
Which part in below steps is not working?
After you have seen the Galaxina “Ponygirl” episode, chat with Nimhe.
She expresses interest in a cosplay outfit along those lines. It can be bought in the Krell Pet Store on Arellarti if you have done Krogneath's Favour Quest later in the game and received the Pet Voucher.
If you try to take Nimhe on a ship walk in the Ponygirl outfit, she’ll refuse but agree to practice walks on Iltari Station. You can walk her in her normal uniform there until her EXH reaches 9 with various scenes.
Once Nimhe has EXH 9 and SUB 4 (get SUB1,2,3 with spanking and 4 with gifting her the Pony costume) you can ask her again for the Pony Walk
You can walk her twice, with her SUB going up to 5 after the second walk & gallery achievement
Once Nimhe has seen you taking out Seraphine (see Seraphine's quest) for some Pony Walks (3) she approaches you and wants Pony Walks in the Dome for herself.
After seeing the Galaxina “Ponygirl” episode, chat with Nimhe.
***She expresses interest in a cosplay outfit***
that part isn't working. I watched the episode and chatted with her, but she didn't express interest in cosplay. After seeing the episode for several days (in-game), nothing had changed.
Thanks for the error report. I will have a look at it. Just check that coincidentally yesterday and it worked fine but maybe I forgot some condition.
Her EXH must be a bit higher for that (do the station walks)
This game is great thank you, the start was not easy, but try by try it get better, 60 pages of walkthrougt is a lot to read but very usefull for understanding the game, sorry for my bad language, i am from germany, tutorial for fight against enemies of all type would be nice, i dont have F95 and could not get the xenos map part. i startet then a later begin where the mission was already done. One question i have, where is the gallery to find? i dont have such a menue entry
found the gallery
For some reason, I'm dtruggling really hard with finding ai cores. Have i missed something, or are they supposed to be rare? Struggling with continuing the game without them.
You do not really need many of those in the beginning. The first 3 are guaranteed drops in any combat.
Later most bounties > 2 or any swarm encounter will yield some
Combat can be started once you're in the pirate outpost (see walkthrough)
anybody else stuck on the beacon of assembly and how many of the items you need to give?
its only one each (i forgot to remove the widgets...). Sequence is the same that they are taken out of the box...
Stuck on the Moira exam quest... how do I drink stuff out of the inventory? There doesn't appear to be any way to click on yourself and no obvious drink button.
Use it on the cup on the desk of the captain.
Thank you!
started a new game recently and am unable to unlock the bridge sex scene with Tris despite having all the requirements seemingly. i started the game at the very beginning so it isnt the same issue as starting later
That unlock option should be provided as a post-sex dialogue between mc and vee after bridge sex. Did you get the comment but tris doesn't accept or did the comment from v never show up?
the comment just never shows up (1.50 btw)
There is another bug report related to this.
Investigating it. If confirmed I'll fix it in V2.00.
It is fortunately not mandatory for story at the moment.
I'm currently trying to get the 3rd map fragment, but the zealots and the precursors in the voronian space are way too difficult to beat despite having mark 2 torpedoes and a plasma lance, with good armour. Where do I get better weapons and armour?
There is a tutorial video on f95 Zone which shows the fight. The trick is that at the end of the first fight against the zealots you need to keep one alive and play with it a bit until kelara had time to reload all your torpedoes then you just continue to the junkyard level
Level 3 weaponry and voron torpedoes should be enough. The only thing that is mandatory is six action points and preferably at least one cloaking point.
You could always enter into an agreement with the zealots and then you only would have to do one fight instead of two back-to-back.
Something I'd like to see as part of the walkthrough is a table of bot traits, personalities, attitudes, and IQ levels and their effects (if any) on the training specialties, price, whether certain combinations are better, etc.
How close is this game to its final update roadmap-wise?
Content is about 90% done. There will be a release of version 2.0 in a few weeks which is a tech update and from that version on it will hopefully be save game compatible to new releases. Then there will be one major release version 2.1 in spring and then the first part of space journey is completed.
After that it will be episodic releases or expansions.
I can't convince Tris to have sex.
I got over 200 favour points and i convinced her through Vee to do it on the bridge, but I still can' do it in her room
You only need a handful of favor points five if I remember correctly. The trick is that there are some steps to get her to do that and the walkthrough describes it in detail. There is a bug if you started at day 40 or day 60 and you can never reach the sex stage.
Sex is not required to complete the story. So for the time being, sorry that it cannot be reached. If you used one of the intermediate starting points. There will be a bug fix in the next update.
How do you actually do the space mine, cause both the game and the walkthrough only says you can change alignment with the arrow keys, but absolutely nothing about how to shoot the laser or whatever happens when your mining
It is the Space Bar, I pressed every button my keyboard to find out.
How do I open the console? shift+Q isn't working
Edit. It was SHift+O not Q
I edited the config console = False to config.console = True, and Shift+Q isn't working.
The console is not deactivated. It works as usual with shift o to enter and with exit to leave.
I know. I misread "O" as "Q"
Hey..I am stuck trying to get to the next system..I need a sponser, and the walkthrough is confusing as heck. Talk to the frog guy...can't. Help please
Go to the cantina in the evening and talk to him.
Just out of curiosity: How could the walkthrough be more understandable in that point?
Hey and thank you. It was just a bit confusing to me, as I was playing late at night, and it is hard to read without glasses, lol.
YV: Yah, I use my computer without my glasses....being old sucks. :) My main issue now is trying to save the Princess...and the walkthrough suggests level 3 armor plating...where the heck do you get it, while in the 2nd system you can only buy the level 2 plating? I suppose there are some things I need to do in the starting system....sigh. Like go in area where all the drones are....sigh, thanks
The main station in iltari will sell you level 3 (quantum) shields and weapons and BFT torpedoes if your REP is 30+ (go to station admin and ask to upgrade your license, from the next day they appear randomly in the station trade interface)
Krogneath in the pirate station is not so discerning and he will sell you all once your NOT is 15 (or 20?).
With 6 BFT torpedoes and L3 weapon ans shield the princess fight is easy (look in walkthrough for the diagram). TLDR: Fly to top left rock, ignoring drones on the way (unless its oportune to hit them _with_ a ship also damaged). Then engage the two ships from behind the rock, hide there with your last turn(!) and then mop up
Hey, been off for a couple of days. Ahh ok. I figured there was a secret to all this. So, get my reputation up as a scoundrel...lol...and then the level 3 stuff will be available. I think I have some quantum things, but will look when I play again. Thank you!
Get a copy of your prescription, go to Zenni's website, and enter the script. There's an option for getting a pair of glasses with blue light reduction specifically for sitting at the computer. They convert your Rx into a slightly different form measured for approx. 3 ft reading distance off screens. I've got 2 pairs, one for my computer, the other for driving/work. And yes, it works if you have bi/trifocals. That's taken into account.
Thank you for the info. Will look into that tomorrow. ! Thanks!
Well yv, I wouldnt think too much on that, its quite hard if not impossible to make a 1 size fits all solution.
to the wizzard in white, I think that you might like to try poe.com and use one of their chatbots to make more sense of the walkthrough
Hey...ah, thank you. I got through it ok...my issue now is how to rescue the Princess with only 49%chance of survival...lol. only level 2 plating for sale in the 2nd system, so trying to figure out how to go about killing 3 level 3 ships and all the mines...lol.
yep that I will need to figure out lol but tbf I would not get started rescuing the princess if I did not already have the weapons to do so, but that is just me and everyone is different.
Thanks for replying with your opinion though
been playing for a bit now and I can't believe I found a game I like more for the gameplay then the fanservice. I almost skip the naughty stuff to get back to the gameplay (I said almost).
Game you can get for free that is worth paying for. tks and keep up the great work.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far.
I deliberately set out to make a game you can play with some NSFW subtext and not just a NSFW picture story on rails.
Just now working on 2.00 new architecture, which possibly can solve the save game issue and allows me to release compatible content packs :)
Will Seraphine get a chamber maid in the Krell space update?
Thought about bringing one onboard (someone sneaking onboard who then has to work off her fare ;) )
٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
EDIT: Thats an idea for the final SJX Episode in Spring, its not in 1.50 Krell Space
I've been playing this for a day or so. I've done a couple of the introductory missions so far.
I have the mission Arm Yourself and A Favor for Vigo. It requires me to equip my ship with a laser and shields. I managed to find a shield. However, I cannot find any weapons. I believe this is because I don't have a weapon license.
I've tried to get one through the Iltari Station by clicking on Station Control. This doesn't seem to work as I get the message "I wouldn't know what to do here."
I'm clearly missing something very easy. Any suggestions on what that could be?
You need to have a reputation of 10 to be able to ask for a weapons license at the station Administration. You can increase your reputation by completing transport missions, helping out space farers who are in trouble, freeing slaves in case you stumble upon a container, and some other ways. The walkthrough explains how to get reputation.
I’ve been playing this game for a few hours now and it’s really great fun.
I think I have come across a bug however:
Khelara is stuck on 2 sluttiness and doesn’t increase further. The walkthrough suggests to just stare at her in the shower but nothing happens after having done that multiple times. Her APP is at 4 at the moment so high enough for it to progress
Starting at sluttiness 4 the walkthrough suggests that I then need to bring her some drinks to progress further but I can’t even get her there since it seems I am locked out from increasing her sluttiness.
If I remember correctly, you need to bring her a drink and then visit her later in the shower. This will give you an additional scene with the stats increasing.
Thanks for your answer. I tried giving her all kind of drinks but nothing happened. I think you are referring to the step when her sluttiness is level 4 already as per the walkthrough. She is currently at 2 for me and I can’t increase it any further. The walkthrough suggests that I just need to watch her shower but nothing changes?
I figured it out. Her exhibitionism needs to be at 6 for this to start . This wasn’t in the walkthrough but not a big issue. Still enjoy the game!
Ah, yes. I should make it a habit to document not obvious triggers better in the walkthrough.
Marked for doc update. Thanks.
How do you get gallery scene on page 7 spot 17? Hint is Practice 'social interactions' with naked v... slu +5. She is slu 11 for me and I have done everything I can think of
Also is there elite j and protector shells?
Yes. They can be crafted by Nimhe once her TEC is maxed
Ok what is her max tec level? Also what about the gallery screen from above?
I do not have that on top of my head right now. There is a walk-through document in the original posts which should explain it in more detail.
I do not have that on top of my head right now. There is a walk-through document in the original posts which should explain it in more detail.
How i do i "free slaves" for Audra content?
Just eject them and space patrol Will be notified and pick them up in space and you get a reward
What does yutani bot and automation systen investment do?
That is indeed not documented in the walkthrough.
It allows you in the Botlab to compare two bots side by side so you can see which component impacts value how much
I have no idea how to even start looking for the 2 map fragments. Ive been everywhere in Iltari I can possibly click for the Iltari fragments I cant remember how the chat when and where I should look.
There is a quite extensive walkthrough in the original post that might help.
The map fragments are the loot in the final of three levels in each precursor site (there is one in each system)
how can i do the mission find the stolen prototype
The Stolen Prototype
• If you have watched all Galaxina Episodes (i.e. they begin to recycle on watching),spend a Night in Iltari System
• You are informed by News that a Galaxina Prototype Bot Shell has been stolen and a huge reward has been promised by HoloMax Inc.
• Next time you fight Arellarti Asteroid Pirates (any Scenario), you have a chance of finding that Prototype Bot Shell (after exiting victoriously)
• From here you have two choices, namely (a) give it to Nimhe, then you can use it in your Lab or (b) hand it in at Iltari Station and you'll get a huge reward and an unpublished Galaxina Novel
You can find this and other info in the 1.40 Walkthrough in the Main Post.
ok thanks
I am stuck on the gun purchase part. I think I have my license, but I don't know where to buy it. The pirate tells me that I have to belong to his group, and the other that I have something to do.
- To start with bounties you need to vanquish Pirate Ghad.
- to do that you need weapons
- those weapons you can buy at Iltari station if you have a license
- your rep needs to be 10 to get the weapon license at iltari station
- the next day you can buy (basic grade 1) weapons and shields at the station
- kill Ghad
- after that you can take on simple bounties and gain NOT
- Once NOT is 10+ (or 5?) you can buy gear at the pirate station (they don't care about licenses)
There is a walkthrough in OP which describes that in detail.
Let me know what was poorly described in the walkthrough so I can improve it.
First, thank you for responding. I have reputation 17, and if I'm not mistaken I already got the license at the control station. But then if I try to enter it says it doesn't know what to do there. I don't understand where to buy, I already went all over the station and nothing. I only can buy shields in the cargobay, but i don't know how to buy weapons
Update, I figured out how to do it. Thank you very much for your help
I seem to be stuck at the Pet Owner on Arellarti Station. Praising his pet and chatting does not reveal the next step. Nor can I get Tris to do the public walk. What am I missing?
The trick is indeed to have Tris accompany you and then talk with the pet owner. I think I described the conditions for the pet walk in the walkthrough in Tris section.
Let me know where that was unclear so I can improve the walkthrough document.
It never allows me to do missions especially transport from the computer I'll have the stuff and go to the place and nothing happens what's going on?
That should be pretty straightforward. You can deliver the items any day prior to the deadline. Please note that you need all the required quantity in order to finish the mission. If there is an active mission for a location, there is a red! On the location. Fly to the location and then click on the location and the mission will complete and the products will be unloaded and payment will be done
Really, really loving the game, and I'm looking forward to more potential bondage content in the future!
Great you like the game so far.
As to bondage, 1.50 has a bunch of ponygirl stuff (but mostly pet themed) and 1.60 will be more bondage oriented (starring Khelara...)
Yeah, that response right there has me wanting throw money at this game XD
Well, 1.50 will enter in Early access II in the 5$ tier on 13th on Patreon and Subscribestar ;)
Lol already went with the $10 option on Subscribestar, even made a comment there too about the Ponygirl bit and how I'm surprised we can't make Triss one XD.
Excellent, thank you for your support!
The pony girl content is available in the latest version in some basic form. Technically it isn't the big issue to add other crew members to your stable :)
Love this game. Hope to have more action in this game soon.
Good to hear you enjoyed the game.
V1.50 is entering BETA in a few days and will be publicly released around early December.